Understanding the new Keyword in JavaScript

The new keyword in JavaScript is used to create instances of objects from constructor functions. It's a fundamental mechanism for object-oriented programming in JavaScript.

The new Keyword: Creating Objects

The new keyword involves several steps in object creation:

  1. Create a new empty object.
  2. Set the prototype: The newly created object's __proto__ property (internal prototype) is set to the constructor function's prototype property.
  3. Bind this: The this keyword within the constructor function is bound to the newly created object.
  4. Execute the constructor: The constructor function is executed, and any properties or methods defined with this are added to the new object.
  5. Return the object: If the constructor doesn't explicitly return an object, the newly created object is implicitly returned.


Example Code

function Person(firstName, lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;

const person1 = new Person('John', 'Doe');


  • A new empty object is created.
  • The object's __proto__ is set to Person.prototype.
  • The Person constructor is executed with this pointing to the new object.
  • Properties firstName and lastName are added to the object.
  • The new object is returned and assigned to person1.

Key Points

  • The new keyword is essential for object creation in JavaScript.
  • It establishes the prototype chain for the created object.
  • The this keyword refers to the newly created object within the constructor.
  • Constructor functions can return objects, but the default behavior is to return the newly created object.

Additional Considerations

  • You can add properties and methods to the prototype of a constructor function to make them accessible to all instances of that object.
  • The instanceof operator can be used to check if an object is an instance of a particular constructor function.

By understanding how the new keyword works, you can effectively create and manage objects in your JavaScript applications.