JavaScript Booleans: The Foundation of Decision Making

Booleans are a fundamental data type in JavaScript, representing logical values: true and false. They are essential for controlling program flow and making decisions.

Boolean Values

The only two possible values for a Boolean are true and false. They are commonly used in conditional statements such as if, else, switch, and loops.


let isSunny = true;
if (isSunny) {
console.log("Let's go to the beach!");
} else {
console.log("It's cloudy, let's stay indoors.");

Boolean Expressions

Comparisons and logical operators in JavaScript evaluate to Boolean values:

let x = 10, y = 5;
let result1 = x > y; // true
let result2 = x === y; // false

The Boolean() Function

The Boolean() function converts values to their Boolean equivalents:

  • Truthy values: Non-empty strings, non-zero numbers, objects, and arrays are converted to true.
  • Falsy values: Empty strings (""), the number 0, null, undefined, and NaN are converted to false.


let isTruthy = Boolean("hello"); // true
let isFalsy = Boolean(0); // false

Boolean Objects vs. Boolean Primitives

JavaScript distinguishes between Boolean objects and Boolean primitives:

  • Boolean objects: Created with new Boolean(), are objects and always evaluate to true in conditional statements. It is generally advised to avoid using them.
  • Boolean primitives: The primitive values true and false are preferred for logical operations.


let boolObject = new Boolean(false);
if (boolObject) {
  console.log("This will always execute due to object nature");
let boolPrimitive = false;
if (boolPrimitive) {
console.log("This will not execute");

Common Pitfalls

  • Avoid unnecessary conversions with Boolean().
  • Be aware of truthy and falsy values when using conditional statements.
  • Use strict equality (===) to compare Boolean values accurately.

By understanding Booleans and their role in JavaScript, you can effectively control program flow and create dynamic and responsive applications.