- Compiler Home
- Compiler Introduction
- Compiler Phases
- Compiler Passes
- Bootstrapping
- Finite State Machine
- Regular Expression
- Optimization of DFA
- Lex
- Formal Grammar
- BNF Notation
- Yacc
- Context-Free Grammar
- Capabilities of CFG
- Derivation
- Parse Tree
- Ambiguity
- Parser
- Shift-Reduce Parsing
- Operator Precedence Parsing
- LR Parser
- Canonical Collection of LR(0) Items
- SLR(1) Parsing
- CLR(1) Parsing
- LALR(1) Parsing
- Automatic Parser Generator
- Syntax-Directed Translation
- Syntax-Directed Translation Scheme
- Implementation of Syntax-Directed Translation
- Symbol Table
- Data Structure for Symbol Table
- Representing Scope Information
- Storage Organization
- Activation Record
- Storage Allocation
- Lexical Error
- Syntax Error
- Semantic Error
- Code Generation
- Design Issues
- Target Machine
- Run-Time Storage Management
- Basic Block
- Flow Graph
- Optimization of Basic Blocks
- Code Generator
- Machine Independent Optimization
- Loop Optimization
- DAG Representation for Basic Blocks
- Global Data Flow Analysis
- The Phases of a Compiler: Lexical Analysis
- Eliminating Ambiguity of a Context-Free Grammar
- Compiler Design MCQ