Code Generation in Compilers: Translating Intermediate Code to Machine Code

Explore the critical role of the code generator in compiler design. This guide explains how code generators translate intermediate representations (IR) of programs into efficient machine code, considering target machine architectures, optimization strategies, and the management of data structures for effective code generation.

Code Generation in Compilers

The Code Generator's Role

The code generator is a crucial part of a compiler, responsible for translating the intermediate representation (IR) of a program into actual machine code—instructions that a computer's processor can directly execute. The IR is a lower-level representation of the program created during earlier compiler phases (such as parsing and semantic analysis). The code generator takes this IR and maps it to the target machine’s instruction set, while also optimizing the code to improve performance. Efficient code generation is essential for creating fast and efficient programs.

Key Aspects of Code Generation

Several factors influence code generation:

1. Input to the Code Generator:

The code generator receives the intermediate representation (IR) of the source code and information from the symbol table. The IR should be low-level enough to be easily translated into machine instructions. This intermediate representation provides a structured representation of the program making the process of code generation easier to manage.

2. Register and Address Descriptors:

To manage code generation effectively, the code generator uses data structures to track:

  • Register Descriptors: Keep track of what's currently stored in each register.
  • Address Descriptors: Store the memory location of variables.

3. Code-Generation Algorithm:

The algorithm processes three-address statements (instructions with at most three operands). For each statement (e.g., x := y + z), these steps are followed:

  1. Find a suitable location (register or memory) for the result (x).
  2. Load operands (y and z) into registers if possible (prioritizing registers over memory). If an operand is not already in a register, generate instructions to load it.
  3. Perform the operation. The result will be stored in the location determined in the first step.
  4. Update the address descriptor for x to reflect its new location. If the registers are no longer needed, they are freed.

4. Code Generation for Assignment Statements:

Let’s look at how this works with an assignment statement:

Assignment Example

d := (a - b) + (a - c) + (a - c)

This might be translated into three-address code and then converted to assembly instructions. The register and address descriptors track register and memory usage.

Statement Assembly Instructions (example) Register Descriptor Address Descriptor
t := a - b MOV a, R0; SUB b, R0 R0: t t: R0
u := a - c MOV a, R1; SUB c, R1 R0: t; R1: u u: R1; t: R0
v := t + u ADD R1, R0 R0: v; R1: u v: R0; u: R1
d := v + u ADD R1, R0; MOV R0, d R0: d d: R0 (and memory)