Demystifying the this Keyword in JavaScript

The this keyword in JavaScript can be a source of confusion for beginners, but understanding its behavior is crucial for writing clean and maintainable code. This explanation combines the strengths of the previous responses and addresses potential shortcomings:

What is this?

The this keyword refers to the current execution context of a function. In simpler terms, it points to the object that "owns" the function at the time it's called.

Determining the Value of this:

  • Function Called with bind(): When a function is called using the bind() method, this will be explicitly set to the object passed as the first argument.
  • Function Called as an Object Method: If a function is called as a method of an object (using dot notation or square brackets), this will refer to that object.
  • Function Called with call() or apply(): These methods allow you to specify the value of this for a function call. The first argument passed to call() or apply() determines this.
  • Global Scope: In the global scope (outside any function or object), this generally refers to the window object in browsers or the global object in Node.js. However, in strict mode ("use strict";), this is undefined in the global scope.


The order in which these rules are applied is important:

  1. bind()
  2. call() and apply()
  3. Function as an object method
  4. Global scope


Function in Global Scope

// Function in global scope
function whoIsThis() {
  console.log(this); // In global scope, this refers to window (unless strict mode)

whoIsThis(); // Output: Window {...} (or undefined in strict mode)

Window {...} (or undefined in strict mode)
Function as an Object Method

var obj = {
  myVar: 10,
  whoIsThis: function() {
    console.log(this.myVar); // this refers to obj

obj.whoIsThis(); // Output: 10

Function Called with call()

function greet(name) {
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");
}, "John"); // Output: Hello, John! (this refers to obj)

Hello, John! (this refers to obj)
Function Called with bind()

var boundFunction = greet.bind(obj);
boundFunction("Jane"); // Output: Hello, Jane! (this refers to obj)

Hello, Jane! (this refers to obj)

Key Points:

  • Be aware of the different ways to call a function and how they affect this.
  • Consider using strict mode to avoid unexpected behavior in the global scope.
  • Use bind() when you need to explicitly control the context of this for a callback function.

By understanding the this keyword, you'll write more predictable and maintainable JavaScript code.