Go Function Parameters and Arguments: Passing Data to Functions

Understanding how to pass data to functions using parameters is fundamental to building modular and reusable Go code.

Function parameters are variables defined within the function's declaration that act as placeholders for values passed during function calls. These values, known as arguments, provide input to the function's logic. By effectively using parameters, you can create flexible and dynamic functions that can operate on different data.

Function Parameter Syntax

Go functions define parameters within parentheses following the function name. Each parameter consists of a name and its corresponding data type. Multiple parameters are separated by commas.

func functionName(parameter1 dataType, parameter2 dataType, ...) {
  // function body

Example: Greeting Function with a Parameter

Let's create a simple function named greet that takes a person's name as a parameter and prints a personalized greeting:

Code Snippet
package main

import "fmt"

func greet(name string) {
  fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!\n", name)

func main() {
  greet("Alice") // Output: Hello, Alice!
  greet("Bob")   // Output: Hello, Bob!
Hello, Alice!
Hello, Bob!

In this example:

  • greet is the function name.
  • name is the parameter of type string.
  • Inside the function, name is used to format a greeting.
  • The main function calls greet twice with different arguments ("Alice" and "Bob").

Key Points About Parameters

  • Pass by value: In Go, arguments are passed by value, meaning the function receives a copy of the argument's value. Changes made to the parameter within the function do not affect the original value outside the function.
  • Multiple parameters: Functions can accept multiple parameters of different data types.
  • Named return values: Go supports named return values, which can be used to return multiple values from a function.
  • Variadic functions: Functions can accept a variable number of arguments using the ... syntax.

Deeper Dive into Parameters

To further illustrate the concept, let's explore a function that calculates the area of a rectangle:

Code Snippet
package main

import "fmt"

func calculateArea(length float64, width float64) float64 {
  area := length * width
  return area

func main() {
  result := calculateArea(5, 3)
  fmt.Println("Area:", result) // Output: Area: 15
Area: 15

This example demonstrates:

  • A function with two parameters, length and width, both of type float64.
  • The function calculates the area and returns it as a float64 value.
  • The main function calls calculateArea with specific values and prints the result.

By understanding parameters and arguments, you can create well-structured and reusable functions in your Go programs.