XQuery Regular Expressions: Mastering Pattern Matching and Text Manipulation in XML

Learn how to leverage the power of regular expressions within XQuery for advanced XML data processing. This tutorial explores XQuery's regular expression functions, demonstrating their use in pattern matching, text extraction, and manipulation within XML documents for creating robust and efficient XML applications.

Using Regular Expressions in XQuery

XQuery Regular Expression Functions

XQuery provides functions for working with regular expressions, enabling powerful text processing capabilities. These functions allow for pattern matching and manipulation within XML documents, enhancing the flexibility and power of XQuery expressions.

Index Function Description
1 matches($input, $regex) Checks if the input string matches the regular expression. Returns `true` if there's a match; otherwise `false`.
2 replace($input, $regex, $string) Replaces parts of the input string that match the regular expression with a specified replacement string.
3 tokenize($input, $regex) Splits the input string into a sequence of strings based on matches to the regular expression.


XQuery's regular expression functions offer a powerful way to perform pattern matching and text manipulation within XML documents, enhancing the flexibility and capabilities of XQuery expressions. Understanding these functions is essential for creating robust and efficient XML processing applications.