Bootstrap Flexbox Utilities: Mastering Responsive Layouts

Learn to build responsive and flexible layouts with Bootstrap's powerful flexbox utilities. This guide covers using `.d-flex`, `.d-inline-flex`, responsive variations, and direction controls for creating efficient and adaptable designs. Master Bootstrap's flexbox classes for effortless web development.

Bootstrap Flexbox Utilities

Bootstrap provides a robust set of flexbox utilities for easily managing the layout, alignment, and sizing of elements. These utilities simplify creating responsive and flexible designs.

Enabling Flex Behavior

To enable flexbox behavior, use the .d-flex class (for block-level flex containers) or .d-inline-flex class (for inline-level flex containers). These classes apply the `display: flex;` or `display: inline-flex;` styles respectively.

Responsive variations are available (.d-sm-flex, .d-md-flex, etc.) to enable flexbox behavior only at specific screen sizes.

Flexbox Direction

Control the direction of flex items (row or column) using these classes:

  • .flex-row: Default horizontal direction (row).
  • .flex-row-reverse: Horizontal, reversed order.
  • .flex-column: Vertical direction (column).
  • .flex-column-reverse: Vertical, reversed order.

Responsive variations exist (e.g., `.flex-md-column` for vertical alignment on medium screens and up).


This utility aligns flex items along the main axis (horizontally for row, vertically for column).

  • .justify-content-start: Items start at the beginning.
  • .justify-content-end: Items end at the end.
  • .justify-content-center: Items are centered.
  • .justify-content-between: Items are evenly distributed, with the first at the start and the last at the end.
  • .justify-content-around: Items are evenly distributed, with space around each item.

Responsive variations are also available (e.g., `.justify-content-md-center`).


This utility aligns flex items along the cross axis (vertically for row, horizontally for column).

  • .align-items-start: Items align to the start.
  • .align-items-end: Items align to the end.
  • .align-items-center: Items are vertically centered.
  • .align-items-baseline: Items align to their baselines.
  • .align-items-stretch: (Default) Items stretch to fill the container.

Responsive variations are also available (e.g., `.align-items-lg-center`).


This utility allows you to individually control the alignment of a single flex item along the cross axis, overriding the `align-items` setting for that specific item.

It uses the same values as `align-items` and also has responsive variations.

Auto Margins with `justify-content` and `align-items`

Combine auto margins with `justify-content` or `align-items` for advanced alignment. For example, `margin-left: auto;` with `justify-content-start;` will push items to the right.


Controls how flex items wrap onto multiple lines.

  • .flex-nowrap: (Default) No wrapping.
  • .flex-wrap: Wrap onto multiple lines.
  • .flex-wrap-reverse: Wrap in reverse order.

Responsive variations are available (e.g., `.flex-md-wrap`).


Changes the visual order of flex items. Use classes like .order-first, .order-last, or .order-* (for custom order) to reorder elements.

Responsive variations are available.


Aligns multiple lines of flex items along the cross axis. This only affects layouts with multiple lines (when `flex-wrap` is used).

  • .align-content-start: (Default) Align to the start.
  • .align-content-end: Align to the end.
  • .align-content-center: Align to the center.
  • .align-content-between: Distribute space between lines.
  • .align-content-around: Distribute space around lines.
  • .align-content-stretch: Stretch lines to fill the container.

Responsive variations are available.