Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions and Answers
Prepare for your next web development interview with our comprehensive list of frequently asked HTML questions and answers. This guide covers fundamental HTML concepts, HTML5 features, and best practices for building effective and semantic web pages.
Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions
This section covers common interview questions and answers related to HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and HTML5. It provides a concise overview of fundamental HTML concepts and their applications in web development.
HTML and HTML5 Interview Questions and Answers
1. What is HTML? |
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It uses tags to structure content, making text interactive and dynamic. It allows you to incorporate images, tables, and hyperlinks. |
2. What are HTML tags? |
HTML tags are keywords (enclosed in angle brackets <>) that define HTML elements. They typically come in pairs (opening and closing tags) and contain content. Some tags are self-closing (e.g., `<img>`, `<br>`). Tags are interpreted by web browsers, which then render the content according to the HTML structure and any applied CSS styles. |
3. Do all HTML tags have closing tags? |
No, some tags are self-closing (e.g., `<br>`, `<img>`, `<hr>`, `<meta>`, `<link>`, `<input>`). |
4. What is HTML formatting? |
HTML formatting uses tags to control the visual appearance of text (bold, italic, underline, etc.). |
5. How many heading levels are there in HTML? |
Six heading levels exist, from `<h1>` (largest) to `<h6>` (smallest). |
6. How do you create a hyperlink? |
Use the `<a>` tag with the `href` attribute to specify the URL (e.g., `<a href="">Link Text</a>`). |
7. Which tag displays data in a table? |
The `<table>` tag, along with `<tr>`, `<th>`, `<td>`, and `<caption>` tags. |
8. What are common list types? |
Ordered lists (`<ol>`), unordered lists (`<ul>`), and definition lists (`<dl>`, `<dt>`, `<dd>`). |
9. HTML elements vs. tags? |
Elements represent content; tags are the keywords (`<>`) that define elements. |
10. What is semantic HTML? |
Using HTML tags to represent the *meaning* of content, not just its appearance (e.g., using `<article>`, `<aside>`, `<nav>`, instead of just `<div>`). |
11. What is an image map? |
An image map uses the `<map>` and `<area>` tags to create clickable regions within an image, linking to different URLs. |
12. How to insert a copyright symbol? |
Use the entity `©` or `©`. |
13. How to create a nested webpage? |
Use the `<iframe>` tag. |
14. How to keep list items straight? |
Use indentation in your HTML code for better readability. |
15. Do hyperlinks only apply to text? |
No, they can also be applied to images using the `<a>` tag. |
16. What is a stylesheet? |
A stylesheet (CSS) defines the presentation and formatting of a document. It allows you to separate content (HTML) from presentation (CSS). |
17. How to create multi-colored text? |
Use the `<span>` tag with inline styles to apply different colors to different sections of text. |
18. How to change the bullet color? |
Change the text color of the list item; the bullet usually inherits its color. |
19. Explain HTML layout. |
HTML layout involves using structural elements (`<header>`, `<nav>`, `<main>`, `<article>`, `<aside>`, `<footer>`) to arrange content on a web page. |
20. What is a marquee? |
A `<marquee>` tag creates scrolling text or images (generally avoided in modern web design). |
21. Tags for separating text sections? |
22. How to set a background image? |
Use the CSS `background-image` property (e.g., `background-image: url('image.jpg');`). |
23. What are empty elements? |
HTML elements without content (e.g., `<br>`, `<hr>`, `<img>`, `<meta>`, `<link>`, `<input>`..) |
24. What is the use of a `<span>` tag? |
To apply styles to specific portions of text within a larger block of text. |
25. What is the use of an `<iframe>` tag? |
To embed another HTML document or webpage within the current page. |
26. What are HTML entities? |
Special characters used to represent reserved or unusual characters (e.g., `&`, `<`, `>`, `©`). |
27. Why URL encode in HTML? |
To safely include URLs and special characters within URLs or other text using a specific encoding scheme. |
1. What is HTML? | HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the foundation of web pages. It structures content using tags, making websites interactive and dynamic. |
2. What is URL encoding? | URL encoding converts non-ASCII characters into a format suitable for transmission over the internet using the ASCII character set. |
28. Is the `<!DOCTYPE>` declaration an HTML tag? | No, it's a document type declaration instructing the browser about the HTML version. |
29. What is the HTML5 `<canvas>` element? | A container for drawing graphics using scripting (like JavaScript). |
30. What is SVG? | SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is used to create vector graphics using XML. It's commonly used for diagrams and charts. |
31. New HTML5 form input types? | color , date , datetime-local , email , time , url , range , tel , number , search . |
32. Do browsers need updates for HTML5? | No, most modern browsers already support HTML5. |
33. HTML5 video formats? | mp4 , WebM , Ogg . |
34. Is the audio tag supported in HTML5? | Yes, it supports audio files (e.g., mp3 , wav , ogg ). |
35. `<progress>` vs. `<meter>` tags? | `<progress>` shows task progress; `<meter>` displays a measurement within a range. |
36. What is the `<figure>` tag? | Groups self-contained content (e.g., images, diagrams, code) with an optional caption (`<figcaption>`). |
37. What is the `<figcaption>` tag? | Provides a caption for a `<figure>` element. |
38. What is the `<button>` tag? | Creates a clickable button, often used within forms. |
39. What are `<details>` and `<summary>` tags? | `<details>` contains extra information; `<summary>` provides a visible summary/toggle for showing/hiding the details. |
40. What is the `<datalist>` tag? | Provides autocomplete suggestions for input fields. |
41. HTML4 to HTML5 tag migration? | Many tags from HTML4 have equivalents in HTML5 (e.g., `<div>` instead of `<center>`). The provided table illustrates some examples. |
42. Is `<!DOCTYPE>` required in HTML5? | Yes, it tells the browser the document type. |
43. What is the `required` attribute? | Makes a form field mandatory before submission. |
44. New HTML5 input types for form validation? | email , url , number , tel , date , and others. |