C Boolean Examples: Real-Life Applications

This page explores practical examples of using Boolean expressions in C programming. It demonstrates how Boolean logic can be applied to real-world scenarios, such as determining voting eligibility and checking if a number is even or odd.

C Boolean Examples

Real Life Example: Checking Voting Eligibility

Let's consider a "real life example" where we need to determine if a person is old enough to vote. In the example below, we use the >= comparison operator to check if a person's age (in this case, 25) is greater than or equal to the voting age, which is set at 18.


int myAge = 25;
int votingAge = 18;

printf("%d", myAge >= votingAge); // Returns 1 (true), meaning 25 year olds are allowed to vote!


Improving with an If...Else Statement

A more refined approach would be to wrap the code in an if...else statement. This allows us to perform different actions based on the result, such as displaying a message depending on whether the person is old enough to vote.


int myAge = 25;
int votingAge = 18;

if (myAge >= votingAge) {
    printf("Old enough to vote!");
} else {
    printf("Not old enough to vote.");

Old enough to vote!