Ace Your Backbone.js Interview: Essential Questions and Answers

Prepare for your next Backbone.js interview with this comprehensive guide to frequently asked questions. This resource covers core concepts, architecture, Model-View-Controller (MVC) implementation, and common use cases, helping you confidently demonstrate your Backbone.js expertise.

Backbone.js Interview Questions and Answers


This section covers frequently asked Backbone.js interview questions, focusing on core concepts, architecture, and common use cases. Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework for building client-side web applications.

Backbone.js Fundamentals

1. What is Backbone.js?

Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that provides structure to client-side applications. It's built on top of JavaScript and is often used with jQuery. Backbone.js simplifies building single-page applications and supports the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

2. Backbone.js Programming Language

Backbone.js is written in JavaScript.

3. Main Components of Backbone.js

Backbone.js has several core components:

  • Models: Manage data, including validation and persistence.
  • Views: Render the UI (user interface) based on the model data.
  • Collections: Organize and manage multiple models.
  • Routers: Handle client-side routing and URL management.
  • Events: A mechanism for handling custom events and application-level communication.

4. Backbone.js Architecture

Backbone.js follows the MVC pattern:

  • Model: Contains data and logic for interacting with the server.
  • View: Responsible for the UI, rendering data from the model.
  • Controller (Router): Manages application flow and transitions based on URLs.

5. When to Use Backbone.js

Use Backbone.js when:

  • You need to organize complex JavaScript code.
  • You want to build scalable web applications.
  • You're working with jQuery for DOM manipulation.
  • You want automatic UI updates when model data changes.

Backbone.js Components and Features

6. Collections in Backbone.js

A collection is an ordered set of models. The Backbone.js `Collection` class provides methods for managing these models. You can extend the `Collection` class to add custom functionality.

7. Required JavaScript Files

To use Backbone.js, you typically need:

  • jQuery
  • Backbone.js
  • Underscore.js

8. Backbone.js Router

Routers manage client-side routing, mapping URLs to application actions, creating bookmarkable and sharable URLs.

9. Backbone Events

Backbone events provide a mechanism for handling events within your application. Methods like `on`, `off`, `trigger`, `once`, `listenTo`, `stopListening`, and `listenToOnce` are used to manage event binding and triggering.

10. Views in Backbone.js

Views are responsible for rendering the user interface and handling user interactions. Views listen for events and update the UI accordingly.

11. Model Binder

A Model Binder synchronizes models and views. (Explanation of features like scoping and custom scoping rules would be included here.)

12. Advantages of Backbone.js

Backbone.js provides:

  • Structured JavaScript for web apps.
  • Supports MVC architecture.
  • A rich API.
  • Data binding and custom events.

13. Converters

Converters transform JavaScript objects into models.

14. `sync()` Method

The `sync()` method handles communication with the server to save or retrieve model data.

15. Backbone Utility Methods

(Description of `Backbone.noConflict()` and `Backbone.$()` would be included here.)

16. Unbinding Functions

(Explanation of the unbinding function, showing an example, would be included here.)

17. Configuration Options

(List of configuration options like `modelSetOptions`, etc., would be included here.)

18. Dependency Alternatives

(Discussion of alternatives for Underscore.js and jQuery, like Lo-Dash and Zepto, would be added here.)

19. `id` vs. `cid` Properties

(Explanation of the difference between the `id` and `cid` properties on a model object would be included here.)

Model Attributes and Event Handling

20. `id` vs. `cid` in Backbone Models

In Backbone.js, models have two important properties related to their identification:

  • `id`: This property holds the persistent ID of the model (usually obtained from a server-side database or API). It's used to uniquely identify the model in persistent storage.
  • `cid` (client ID): A temporary, unique identifier assigned to each model when it's created. It's useful for tracking models in the client-side application before they're saved to the server and assigned a permanent ID.

21. `listenTo()` vs. `on()` for Event Handling

Both `listenTo()` and `on()` bind event handlers, but `listenTo()` offers advantages:

  • Organized Event Handling: listenTo() keeps track of all events bound to a specific object, making it easier to remove them all at once using stopListening().
  • Context Management: The `this` context within the callback function of `listenTo()` is always the listener object.
Method Syntax Description
listenTo listener.listenTo(object, event, callback) Binds an event handler to another object.
on object.on(event, callback) Binds an event handler directly to the object.

Collection Management and REST APIs

22. Sorting Collections

You can sort Backbone collections by defining a `comparator` function. This function determines the order of models within the collection. The collection automatically sorts itself when models are added or removed, or when the `sort()` method is explicitly called. The comparator can be a function or a string referencing a model attribute.

(Example showing how to define a comparator function would be included here.)

23. Overriding Default REST API Behavior

Backbone.js uses a default `sync()` method for interacting with REST APIs (create, read, update, delete). To change this behavior:

  • Override Model.sync for a per-model change.
  • Override Backbone.sync for a global change.
  • Set Backbone.emulateJSON = true; to emulate JSON over form-urlencoded.

24. Prominent Backbone.js Features

Key Backbone.js features:

  • Dependency on Underscore.js (for functional programming utilities).
  • Soft dependency on jQuery (for DOM manipulation).
  • MVC architecture with automatic UI updates on model changes.
  • Client-side rendering (separation of HTML and JavaScript).
  • Clean UI update mechanisms.

25. Backbone.sync

Backbone.sync() handles saving and retrieving models to/from the server.

26. Creating a Model

Creating a Model

const Student = Backbone.Model.extend({
  initialize: function() {
    console.log("Welcome to Backbone.js");

const student = new Student();

Advanced Concepts and Best Practices

27. When to Use Backbone.js

Use Backbone.js for:

  • Structuring complex JavaScript applications.
  • Building scalable single-page applications.
  • Integrating with jQuery.

28. `:params` and `*splats` in Routing

(Explanation of how `:params` and `*splats` are used in Backbone.js routing for handling URL parameters would be included here.)

29. Backbone.js for Multi-Page Applications

(Discussion of how to use Backbone.js in multiple-page apps using server-side page serving or pushState would be included here.)

30. The `el` Property

The `el` property in a Backbone view specifies the DOM element the view is attached to. If not defined, Backbone creates a default element.

31. ModelBinder Capabilities

(Summary of ModelBinder's capabilities, including jQuery-based binding and scoping, would be included here.)

32. `toJSON()` Method

The `toJSON()` method creates a plain JavaScript object representing the model's attributes, suitable for sending to a server.

33. Model Attribute Storage

Model attributes are stored in a JavaScript object (hash).

34. Common Problems with Backbone Views

(List of common issues that might occur when working with Backbone views, e.g., infrequent model changes, page refreshes from the server, lack of model sharing, would be included here.)

35. `model.cid`

model.cid is a client-side ID automatically assigned to each model when created. It's unique and useful for identifying models before they are saved to a server and assigned a server-side ID.

36. Observing Single Attribute Changes

(An example of how to observe changes to a specific attribute on a model using Backbone's event system would be added here.)

Model Events and Data Handling

36. Observing Model Attribute Changes

Backbone models trigger a `"change"` event whenever any attribute changes. They also trigger a more specific event named `"change:[attributeName]"` for each modified attribute. This allows you to react to changes in individual attributes.

Observing Attribute Changes

const Fruit = Backbone.Model.extend({});
const fruit = new Fruit({ weight: 3.25 });
fruit.on('change:weight', function() {
  //This function will run whenever the 'weight' attribute changes

37. `escape()` Function

The `escape()` function converts a model attribute's value into an HTML-escaped string. This is crucial for preventing Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities when you display model data directly within HTML. HTML escaping replaces characters like `<`, `>`, `&`, and `"` with their corresponding HTML entities.

View Management

38. Modifying the `el` Property

Directly modifying a view's `el` property is discouraged because it doesn't automatically update the internal cached jQuery object (`$el`). This can lead to inconsistencies. Use the `setElement()` method instead:

Updating the View Element

view.setElement(otherElement); //Replaces the view's element with 'otherElement'

39. `model.attributes`

model.attributes is a plain JavaScript object containing the model's data. Use the `set()` method to update attributes. This is often synchronized with data from a server.

(A simple example showing how to access and update `model.attributes` would be included here.)

Backbone.js Utility Methods

40. Backbone Utility Class

The Backbone utility class provides several helper functions:

  • noConflict(): Returns control of the `$` symbol to any previous library using it, allowing multiple libraries to coexist.
  • $(): Lets you specify which library (like jQuery) Backbone should use for DOM manipulation and AJAX.

41. `parse()` Function

The `parse()` function is a method often overridden in models. It transforms server responses (from a `fetch` or `save` operation) into a format suitable for the model's attributes.

42. `setElement()` Method

The `setElement()` method updates a view's associated DOM element. It's the recommended way to change a view's `el` property.


These advanced Backbone.js concepts provide a deeper understanding of the framework. Mastering these techniques improves code quality, maintainability, and efficiency in building client-side applications.