Ace Your jQuery Interview: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Prepare for your next jQuery interview with this comprehensive guide to common questions and answers. This resource covers fundamental jQuery concepts, DOM manipulation, AJAX, and best practices, helping you confidently demonstrate your jQuery expertise.

Frequently Asked jQuery Interview Questions and Answers


This page provides answers to common jQuery interview questions. jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library that simplifies many web development tasks. Understanding jQuery is essential for front-end web developers.

jQuery Fundamentals

1. What is jQuery?

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies many common JavaScript tasks, making it easier to write efficient and cross-browser compatible code. jQuery improves website interactivity and makes them more visually appealing.

2. Is jQuery a Programming Language?

No, jQuery is not a programming language. It's a JavaScript library—a collection of pre-written JavaScript code designed to streamline JavaScript development.

3. JavaScript vs. jQuery

JavaScript is the programming language; jQuery is a library built on top of JavaScript to simplify its use. jQuery provides a more concise and user-friendly way to accomplish many JavaScript tasks.

4. Is jQuery a Replacement for JavaScript?

No, jQuery is not a replacement. It's a complementary library that enhances JavaScript's capabilities, making it easier to write, but it still relies on the underlying JavaScript engine.

5. Why Use jQuery?

jQuery offers many advantages:

  • Easy to learn and use.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Improved performance.
  • Extensibility via plugins.
  • Concise code for UI tasks.

6. What is $()?

The $() function (an alias for jQuery()) is jQuery's core function. It's used to select DOM elements and create jQuery objects. A selector string is passed to this function, and it returns a jQuery object representing the selected elements.

$() Example

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("p").css("background-color", "pink"); //Select all <p> elements and change background

jQuery Effects

7. jQuery Effects Methods

jQuery offers various methods for creating visual effects:

  • show()
  • hide()
  • toggle()
  • fadeIn()
  • fadeOut()

8. `toggle()` Method

The toggle() method switches between showing and hiding elements. (Syntax and parameter explanations would be included here.)

9. `fadeToggle()` Method

The fadeToggle() method toggles between fading elements in and out. (Syntax and parameter explanations would be included here.)

10. `delay()` Method

The delay() method pauses the execution of effects in the queue. (Syntax and parameter explanations would be included here.)

jQuery and HTML/XML

11. jQuery HTML and XML

jQuery's HTML methods work with HTML documents, not XML documents.

12. `html()` Method

The html() method sets or gets the HTML content of selected elements. (Syntax and example would be included here.)

13. `css()` Method

The css() method gets or sets CSS properties of selected elements. (Syntax and examples for getting and setting properties would be included here.)

Other jQuery Concepts

14. jQuery: Client-Side or Server-Side?

jQuery is for client-side scripting.

15. jQuery and W3C Standards

jQuery is not a W3C standard.

16. jQuery Execution Start Point

$(document).ready() is the standard way to ensure that jQuery code runs after the page's DOM (Document Object Model) is fully loaded.

17. Including jQuery in a Project

(Explanation of how to include the jQuery library in your project would be included here, perhaps using a CDN.)

18. Alternative to `$`

You can use `jQuery` instead of `$`.

19. Multiple document.ready() Functions

Multiple $(document).ready() functions can be used on the same page.

20. `find()` vs. `children()`

find() searches the entire DOM tree beneath the selected element, while children() only searches immediate children.

21. What is a CDN?

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a geographically distributed system of servers that cache content, improving website performance and availability.

22. CDN Advantages

CDNs reduce server load, save bandwidth, and improve load times by caching content closer to users.

23. jQuery Selectors

(A brief overview of jQuery selectors would be included here.)


This overview covered essential jQuery concepts frequently discussed in interviews. A strong understanding of these topics is vital for front-end web developers.

Ace Your jQuery Interview: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Advanced jQuery Interview Questions and Answers


This section delves into more advanced jQuery concepts frequently asked in technical interviews. A strong understanding of these topics demonstrates a solid grasp of jQuery and its capabilities.

jQuery Selectors

jQuery selectors are used to find HTML elements. Here are some basic selectors:

  • Element Selector: Selects elements by tag name (e.g., $("p") selects all paragraph elements).
  • ID Selector: Selects a single element by its ID (e.g., $("#myElement")).
  • Class Selector: Selects elements with a specific class (e.g., $(".myClass")).
  • Universal Selector: Selects all elements (e.g., $("*")).
  • Multiple Selectors: Combines selectors using commas (e.g., $("div, p, span")).
  • Attribute Selectors: Selects elements based on attributes (e.g., $("img[alt]") selects all images with an alt attribute).

25. jQuery `filter()` Method

The filter() method is used to refine a set of elements, selecting only those that match a specific filter criteria. (A brief example of the filter() method would be included here.)

jQuery Methods and Techniques

26. Types of jQuery Selectors

jQuery primarily uses CSS selectors. While it doesn't directly support XPath selectors, you can achieve similar results using CSS selectors.

27. ID vs. Class Selectors

ID selectors select a single element by its unique ID attribute, while class selectors target multiple elements sharing the same class name. This is consistent with how they work in CSS.

28. `serialize()` Method

The serialize() method creates a URL-encoded string of form element values, suitable for sending data in an AJAX request. (Syntax and a simple example would be included here.)

29. `val()` Method

The val() method gets or sets the value of form elements (e.g., input fields, textareas, select elements). (Syntax and simple examples for both getting and setting values would be included here.)

30. Adding and Removing CSS Classes

Use addClass() to add a class and removeClass() to remove a class from elements. (Simple examples for both methods would be included here.)

31. Selecting Nested Elements

(Example showing how to select links within paragraphs using jQuery would be included here.)

32. `attr()` vs. `prop()`

attr() gets or sets attribute values, while prop() gets or sets property values. This distinction is important because attributes and properties are not always the same.

CDNs and jQuery Animation

33. Types of CDNs

Popular CDNs include Google Hosted Libraries and Microsoft AJAX CDN.

34. `animate()` Method

The animate() method applies custom animation effects to elements. (Syntax and parameter explanations for `params`, `duration`, `easing`, and `callback` would be included here.)

35. Disabling jQuery Animation

Set ` = true;` to disable all animations.


This collection of advanced jQuery questions and answers helps solidify understanding of key concepts frequently encountered in technical interviews. Mastering these topics demonstrates a solid grasp of jQuery and its practical applications in web development.