A Comprehensive Overview of the number Type in TypeScript

Gain a thorough understanding of the number type in TypeScript. Learn about its floating-point representation, literals, type annotations, arithmetic and comparison operators, and available methods for handling numeric values.

TypeScript Number Data Type

Understanding the number Type

In TypeScript, all numeric values, whether integers, decimals, or large numbers, are represented by the number type. This aligns with JavaScript's numeric handling.

Key Points:

  • Floating-point representation: Numbers are stored as double-precision 64-bit floating-point numbers, following the IEEE 754 standard.
  • Number literals: You can use decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary literals.
  • Type annotations: Explicitly declare variables as number for type safety.
  • Arithmetic operations: Standard arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %) are supported.
  • Comparison operators: Relational operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=) can be used.
  • Number methods: Various methods are available for formatting, rounding, and converting numbers to strings.
TypeScript Code: Number Examples

let decimalNumber: number = 123.45;
let hexadecimalNumber: number = 0xAF; // Equivalent to 175
let octalNumber: number = 0o77; // Equivalent to 63
let binaryNumber: number = 0b1111; // Equivalent to 15


Number Methods

TypeScript provides several built-in methods for working with numbers:

Method Description
toExponential() Returns the number in exponential notation.
toFixed() Returns a string representing the number with a specified number of decimal places.
toLocaleString() Returns a string representation of the number based on the locale.
toPrecision() Returns a string representing the number with a specified precision.
toString() Returns a string representation of the number in a specified base.
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of the number object.
TypeScript Code: Number Methods

let num = 1234.5678;

console.log(num.toExponential(2)); // Output: 1.23e+3
console.log(num.toFixed(2)); // Output: 1234.57
console.log(num.toLocaleString('en-US')); // Output: 1,234.57
console.log(num.toPrecision(4)); // Output: 1235
console.log(num.toString(2)); // Output: 10011010010.1001100110011001101
console.log(num.valueOf()); // Output: 1234.5678

Number Properties

TypeScript provides several properties on the Number object:

Property Description
MAX_SAFE_INTEGER The maximum safe integer value.
MIN_SAFE_INTEGER The minimum safe integer value.
MAX_VALUE The largest representable number.
MIN_VALUE The smallest positive non-zero number.
NaN Represents "Not a Number".
NEGATIVE_INFINITY Represents negative infinity.
POSITIVE_INFINITY Represents positive infinity.

Important Considerations

  • Precision: Due to the floating-point representation, calculations might involve rounding errors. Use toFixed() for precise decimal formatting when needed.
  • Large numbers: For extremely large numbers, consider using BigInt if available in your TypeScript version.
  • Type safety: TypeScript's type system helps prevent unintended type conversions and errors.

By understanding the number data type and its methods, you can effectively work with numeric values in your TypeScript applications.