Creating Custom Shapes with CSS `clip-path`: Clipping and Styling HTML Elements

Learn how to use CSS's `clip-path` property to create custom shapes and visually interesting designs for your web pages. This tutorial explains `clip-path`'s syntax, different value types (basic shapes, polygons, paths), and provides examples demonstrating how to create custom shapes and style HTML elements using clipping regions.

Creating Custom Shapes with CSS `clip-path`

What is `clip-path`?

The CSS `clip-path` property allows you to create custom shapes by specifying a clipping region for an element. Only the part of the element that falls within the defined region will be visible; anything outside the region is clipped (hidden). This includes borders, shadows, and other effects applied to the element.

`clip-path` Syntax and Values

The basic syntax is:

clip-path: | | none;

The main value types are:

  • clip-source: A URL referencing an SVG element defining the clipping path.
  • basic-shape: Creates a clipping region using predefined shapes (circle, ellipse, polygon, inset).
  • none: No clipping is applied (the entire element is visible).

The `geometry-box` property specifies which box (margin, border, padding, content, fill, stroke, viewBox) is the reference for the basic shape. If not specified, `border-box` is used by default.

Defining Basic Shapes with `clip-path`

The `basic-shape` value allows you to use simple shapes to clip elements:


Creates a polygon shape using a list of X and Y coordinates. For example:

Diamond Shape

clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0% 50%);


Creates a circular clipping region. The syntax is: `circle(radius at x y)`. The `at x y` part specifies the center; if omitted, it defaults to the center of the element.


clip-path: circle(50%); /* Radius is 50% of the element's width */


Creates an elliptical clipping region. The syntax is: `ellipse(radiusX radiusY at x y)`.


clip-path: ellipse(50% 35%); /* radiusX = 50%, radiusY = 35% */


Creates an inner rectangle, clipping away the areas outside the rectangle. Useful for creating borders or rounded corners. The syntax is `inset(top right bottom left round radius)`.


clip-path: inset(20% 25% 20% 10%);

Adding Animations to `clip-path`

You can create interesting effects by combining `clip-path` with CSS animations and transitions. This allows for dynamic changes to the clipping region over time.