Enhancing Text with CSS Text Effects: Improving Readability and Visual Appeal
Learn how to use CSS properties like `word-break` and `word-wrap` to control text rendering and prevent overflow issues. This tutorial provides a guide to enhancing text readability and visual appeal by managing line breaks and word wrapping for improved user experience.
Enhancing Text with CSS Text Effects
CSS offers several properties to control text display and add visual effects, making your text more readable and engaging.
`word-break` Property
The `word-break` property controls how words are broken at the end of a line. It helps prevent text from overflowing its container.
word-break: normal | keep-all | break-all | inherit;
: (Default) Breaks words at normal break points.keep-all
: Prevents word breaks within words.break-all
: Allows breaks between characters to avoid overflow.inherit
: Inherits the value from its parent element.
`word-wrap` Property
The `word-wrap` property allows long words to be broken and wrapped onto the next line. This prevents long, unbreakable words from overflowing their container.
word-wrap: normal | break-word | inherit;
: (Default) Breaks words only at allowed break points.break-word
: Breaks words to prevent overflow.inherit
: Inherits the value from its parent element.
`text-overflow` Property
The `text-overflow` property handles text that overflows its container. It allows you to clip the text or display an ellipsis (...) to indicate the presence of hidden text.
Important: `text-overflow` requires `white-space: nowrap;` and `overflow: hidden;` to work correctly.
text-overflow: clip | ellipsis;
: (Default) Clips the overflowing text.ellipsis
: Displays an ellipsis (...) to indicate clipped text.
`writing-mode` Property
The `writing-mode` property specifies the text direction – horizontal or vertical. For vertical text, you can choose left-to-right or right-to-left orientation.
writing-mode: horizontal-tb | vertical-lr | vertical-rl | inherit;
: (Default) Horizontal text, top to bottom.vertical-lr
: Vertical text, left to right.vertical-rl
: Vertical text, right to left.inherit
: Inherits the value from its parent element.