CSS `:nth-child(n)` Selector: Precisely Targeting Elements by Position

Master precise element selection in CSS using the powerful `:nth-child(n)` selector. This tutorial explains how to use numbers, keywords (`odd`, `even`), and formulas to target elements based on their position within a parent container, enabling sophisticated and flexible styling techniques.

Using the CSS `:nth-child(n)` Selector

Selecting Elements by Position

The CSS `:nth-child(n)` selector allows you to select elements based on their position within a parent container. Unlike other selectors that target elements by type, ID, or class, `:nth-child()` selects elements based solely on their order (index) among their siblings. The `n` can be a number, keyword (`odd`, `even`), or a formula.

` :nth-child(n)` Syntax

The basic syntax is:

:nth-child(n) { /* CSS properties */ }

Where `n` specifies the selection pattern. `n` can be:

  • A number (e.g., `:nth-child(3)` selects the third child).
  • The keyword `odd` (selects odd-numbered children).
  • The keyword `even` (selects even-numbered children).
  • A formula of the form `An + B` (where `A` and `B` are integers, and `n` starts at 0). This allows for more complex selection patterns (e.g., `:nth-child(3n+1)` selects the first element of every group of 3).

Examples of `:nth-child(n)`

Example 1: Using a Formula

This example uses the formula `3n + 4`. This will select the 4th, 7th, 10th, etc. children. The provided code is illustrative; you would need to include HTML elements within a container to see the effect. The first child has an index of 1.

CSS Code

p:nth-child(3n+4) {
  color: red;

Example 2: Using `odd` and `even` Keywords

This example shows how to target odd and even-numbered children using the keywords `odd` and `even`. Again, this requires corresponding HTML elements in your document to function.

CSS Code

p:nth-child(odd) {
  background-color: lightblue;

p:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: lightgreen;