React Portals: Rendering Components Outside the Standard Component Hierarchy
Learn how to use React Portals to render components in a different location in the DOM than their parent component. This tutorial explains the functionality of `ReactDOM.createPortal()`, demonstrates its use in creating overlays and modals, and highlights its advantages for building complex and flexible user interfaces.
React Portals: Rendering Outside the Component Hierarchy
What are React Portals?
React portals (introduced in React 16.0) let you render a component's output into a different part of the DOM (Document Object Model) than where the component itself is located. This is useful for placing components that need to sit on top of other elements, regardless of their position in the component tree. Before React 16, achieving this was significantly more complex.
The core function for creating portals is ReactDOM.createPortal()
ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container)
is the component or element you want to render, and container
is the DOM element where you want it to appear.
Example: Before and After Portals
Without portals, a child component is rendered within its parent's area in the DOM:
Rendering without Portals
render() {
return (
With portals, you can render the child into a different location, specified by a DOM element (e.g., with an ID):
Rendering with Portals
render() {
return ReactDOM.createPortal(
document.getElementById('myPortal') // The target DOM element
Key Features of React Portals
- Uses the official React API.
- Works with React versions 15 and above.
- By default, renders into
. - Supports custom target DOM elements.
- Supports server-side rendering.
- Supports returning arrays of elements (no need for extra wrappers).
- Clean and efficient; no unnecessary DOM manipulation.
- No external dependencies.
When to Use React Portals
Portals are ideal for:
- Modals (popup dialogs)
- Tooltips
- Floating menus
- Widgets
Install using npm:
Installation Command
npm install react-portal --save
Example Project Setup
(A simplified example showing the basic structure. You would need to create the files mentioned)
In App.js
import React from 'react';
import PortalDemo from './PortalDemo';
const App = () => (
<PortalDemo />
<div id="portal-root"></div> {/* Target for the portal */}
export default App;
In PortalDemo.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
const PortalDemo = () =>
<div>Portals Demo</div>,
export default PortalDemo;
In index.html
(you'll need the portal-root
<div id="root"></div>
<div id="portal-root"></div>