Test Your React.js Expertise: 35+ Multiple Choice Questions
Challenge your understanding of React.js with this comprehensive multiple-choice quiz. These questions cover a wide range of topics, from fundamental concepts to more advanced techniques, helping you assess your React.js knowledge and identify areas for further learning.
35+ React.js Multiple Choice Questions
Test your React.js knowledge with these multiple-choice questions!
Questions and Answers
1) What is the correct name for React.js?
- React
- React.js
- ReactJS
- All of the above
2) What are some advantages of React.js?
- Improved performance with Virtual DOM.
- Easy integration with other frameworks.
- Client and server-side rendering.
- All of the above
3) Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of React.js?
- React.js handles only the view layer.
- React.js has a large library.
- JSX makes code easy to read and write.
- React.js has a steep learning curve.
4) How do you install create-react-app?
npm install -g create-react-app
npm install create-react-app
npm install -f create-react-app
install -g create-react-app
5) What improves performance in React.js?
- Original DOM
- Virtual DOM
- Both A and B
- None of the above
6) What keyword is used to define a class in JavaScript (instead of `function`)?
- Constructor
- Class
- Object
- DataObject
7) What acts as the input for a class-based component?
- Class
- Factory
- Render
- Props
8) What keyword is used for class inheritance?
- Create
- Inherits
- Extends
- This
9) What's the output of this code?
var Helloword = (props) => {
return (
<div>Hello World 1</div>
<div>Hello World 2</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Helloword />, mountNode);
var Helloword = (props) => {
return (
<div>Hello World 1</div>
<div>Hello World 2</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Helloword />, mountNode);
- Hello World 1
- Hello World 2
- Hello World 1 Hello World 2
- Error
10) What's the default port for webpack-dev-server?
- 3000
- 8080
- 3030
- 6060