Directed vs. Undirected Graphs: Understanding Graph Theory Fundamentals

Learn the difference between directed and undirected graphs in discrete mathematics. This guide explains the concepts of directed and undirected edges, provides illustrative examples, and shows how to represent graphs using adjacency matrices and adjacency lists.

Directed and Undirected Graphs

Understanding Graphs

A graph is a visual way to represent relationships between things. We use points (called vertices or nodes) to represent the things, and lines (called edges) to show how they're connected. In a directed graph, the edges have a direction (like a one-way street), while in an undirected graph, the edges have no direction (like a two-way street).

Key Definitions in Graph Theory

  • Self-loop: An edge connecting a vertex to itself.
  • Subgraph: A smaller graph contained within a larger graph.
  • Parallel Edges: Multiple edges connecting the same pair of vertices.
  • In-degree (directed graphs): The number of edges pointing to a vertex.
  • Out-degree (directed graphs): The number of edges pointing away from a vertex.

Directed Graphs (Digraphs)

In a directed graph, each edge has a direction, indicated by an arrow. An edge from vertex 'u' to vertex 'v' is written as (u, v). The existence of an edge (u, v) doesn't imply the existence of an edge (v, u).

  • Directed Path: A sequence of vertices connected by edges, all pointing in the same direction.
  • Directed Cycle: A directed path that starts and ends at the same vertex.
  • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): A directed graph with no directed cycles.
  • Strongly Connected: Two vertices are strongly connected if there's a directed path from each to the other.
  • Strongly Connected Component: A maximal strongly connected subgraph within a larger graph.

Examples: Directed Graphs

(Illustrative examples of directed graphs, one with a loop and another without, along with their adjacency matrices and adjacency lists, are provided in the original text and should be included here.)

Undirected Graphs

In an undirected graph, edges have no direction. An edge connecting vertices u and v is written as {u, v} or (u, v) (the order doesn't matter).

Examples: Undirected Graphs

(Illustrative examples of undirected graphs, along with their adjacency matrices and adjacency lists, are provided in the original text and should be included here.)

Real-World Applications of Undirected Graphs

  • Computer Networks: Modeling connections between computers.
  • Social Networks: Representing friendships or connections between people (friendship is typically mutual).

Choosing Between Directed and Undirected Graphs

The choice depends on whether the relationships are directional or bidirectional:

  • Use directed graphs for relationships with direction (e.g., "is a parent of").
  • Use undirected graphs for reciprocal relationships (e.g., "is friends with").


Directed and undirected graphs are fundamental tools in discrete mathematics for representing and analyzing relationships between objects. The appropriate choice of graph type depends on the nature of the relationships being modeled.