Binary Trees in Discrete Mathematics: Structure, Properties, and Applications

Learn about binary trees, a fundamental hierarchical data structure in computer science. This guide explains their properties, different types of binary trees, and their application in representing algebraic expressions using binary expression trees.

Binary Trees in Discrete Mathematics

What is a Binary Tree?

A binary tree is a hierarchical data structure where each node has at most two children, referred to as the left child and the right child. An empty tree (with no nodes) is also considered a binary tree.

Binary Tree Terminology

  • Root: The topmost node of the tree.
  • Left Child/Right Child: The nodes branching to the left and right of a parent node.
  • Parent: A node that has one or more children.
  • Siblings: Nodes that share the same parent.
  • Leaf (or External Node): A node with no children.
  • Internal Node (or Non-terminal Node): A node with one or more children.
  • Descendant: Any node reachable by going down from a given node.
  • Left Subtree/Right Subtree: The subtrees rooted at the left and right children of a node.
  • Level of a Node: Its distance from the root (root is at level 0).
  • Depth (or Height) of a Tree: The maximum level of any node in the tree.

Example: Illustrating Binary Tree Terminology

(An illustrative binary tree should be included here, with its nodes labeled A through O. The root, leaves, parent nodes, and other key features should be clearly identified and labeled on the diagram.)

Binary Expression Trees

Binary expression trees are a way to represent algebraic expressions. Each internal node represents a binary operator (+, -, *, /), and the left and right subtrees represent the operands (which can be numbers or other expressions).

For example, the expression (a + b) * (d / c) can be represented as a binary expression tree where '*' is the root, '(a + b)' is the left subtree, and '(d / c)' is the right subtree.

(An illustrative binary expression tree should be included here.)

Special Types of Binary Trees

  • Complete Binary Tree: All levels are full except possibly the last, and nodes are filled from left to right.
  • Full Binary Tree: All leaves are at the same level, and every non-leaf node has two children.

General Trees vs. Binary Trees

Feature General Tree Binary Tree
Empty Tree Not allowed Allowed
Child Node Distinction No distinction between children Left and right children are distinguished
Tree Representation A tree is uniquely represented A tree can have multiple representations depending on the arrangement of left and right children


Binary trees are a fundamental data structure in computer science, used in various applications due to their efficient organization of hierarchical data. Understanding the terminology and different types of binary trees is crucial for working with them effectively.