Using Assertions in Selenium Tests with TestNG: Verifying Test Outcomes

Master assertion techniques in Selenium tests using TestNG. This guide explains different assertion types (hard and soft), common TestNG assertion methods, and best practices for verifying expected outcomes in your automated tests. Build more reliable and robust Selenium test suites.

Assertions in Selenium Tests using TestNG

Assertions are crucial for verifying the outcome of your Selenium tests. They check if the application's state matches your expectations. If an assertion fails, the test case typically fails, and execution may stop (depending on the type of assertion). TestNG is a popular testing framework for Java, and it provides several assertion methods.

Types of Assertions: Hard and Soft Assertions

There are two main types of assertions:

  • Hard Assertions: These immediately halt test execution upon failure. If a hard assertion fails, then no further assertions or commands within the same test method will be executed. You can handle these exceptions using try-catch blocks.
  • Soft Assertions: These do not halt execution upon failure. Multiple soft assertions can be made in a single test, with failures only reported at the end of the test. This approach may require a dedicated soft assertion library or framework.

Hard Assertion Methods in TestNG

TestNG provides various assertion methods:

  • Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual): Checks if two values are equal.
  • Assert.assertNotEquals(expected, actual): Checks if two values are not equal.
  • Assert.assertTrue(condition): Checks if a condition is true.
  • Assert.assertFalse(condition): Checks if a condition is false.
  • Assert.assertNull(object): Checks if an object is null.
  • Assert.assertNotNull(object): Checks if an object is not null.

Example: AssertFalse()

AssertFalse() Example


This assertion passes if the element with id "someElement" is not selected. Otherwise, it throws an `AssertionError` and the test fails.

Example: AssertTrue()

AssertTrue() Example


This assertion checks if the element is selected after clicking it. If not selected, then an error will be thrown.

Example: AssertEquals()

AssertEquals() Example

Assert.assertEquals("Expected Text", driver.findElement("someElement")).getText());

This compares the expected text "Expected Text" with the actual text from the element. If the values do not match, then an error is thrown.

Example: AssertNotEquals()

AssertNotEquals() Example

Assert.assertNotEquals("Value1", "Value2", "Error Message");

This assertion verifies that two values are not equal; if they are, the test fails.

Example: AssertNull() and AssertNotNull()

AssertNull() and AssertNotNull() Examples

WebElement element = driver.findElement("elementToCheck"));
Assert.assertNull(element, "Element should be null"); //Check if element is null
Assert.assertNotNull(element, "Element should not be null"); //Check if element is not null

Hard and Soft Assertions in Selenium Tests using TestNG

Assertions are crucial for verifying the results of your Selenium tests. They check whether the application's state or behavior matches your expectations. TestNG provides assertion methods for this. Understanding the difference between hard and soft assertions is essential for writing effective tests.

Hard Assertions

Hard assertions immediately stop test execution upon failure. If a hard assertion fails, no further code in the same test method will execute. This is useful when a single failure indicates a critical problem that needs immediate attention. You can handle exceptions using try-catch blocks, but this typically does not improve the flow of your test. It simply catches the error and prevents the application from crashing, which may or may not be helpful.

AssertNotNull() Example (Passes)

Assert.assertNotNull("Not Null Value", "Error Message");
AssertNotNull() Example (Fails)

Assert.assertNotNull(null, "Error Message"); 

Soft Assertions

Soft assertions allow test execution to continue even if assertions fail. All failures are collected and reported at the end of the test. This is helpful when you want to identify all failures within a test rather than stopping at the first error. This is especially useful when there are many assertions in your tests and you need to find out all the failures.

Note: Soft assertions typically require a specialized library (like SoftAssert in TestNG) because they do not come built-in with most standard assertion libraries. For example, using `SoftAssert` in TestNG would look something like this:

Soft Assertion Example (TestNG)

SoftAssert softAssert = new SoftAssert();
softAssert.assertEquals("Expected", "Actual", "Error Message"); //Example soft assertion
// ... more assertions ...
softAssert.assertAll(); //Report all failures at the end