Automating Internet Explorer with Selenium: Setting Up and Running Tests

Learn how to configure and execute Selenium WebDriver tests on Internet Explorer. This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide, demonstrating how to set up the Internet Explorer Driver Server, write a basic test script in Java, and execute it to automate browser interactions using Internet Explorer.

Running Selenium Tests on Internet Explorer

Introduction to Running Selenium Tests on Internet Explorer

To automate Internet Explorer (IE) using Selenium, you need the Internet Explorer Driver Server. This server acts as a bridge between your Selenium test scripts and the IE browser, allowing Selenium to control and interact with IE.

Setting up Internet Explorer Driver

  1. Download IEDriverServer: Download the appropriate IEDriverServer.exe file for your operating system from the Selenium releases page. (The original text provides a direct link; you should always check the official Selenium site for the latest version.)
  2. Extract the Driver: Extract the downloaded zip file to a convenient location.
  3. Set System Property: Set the system property to point to the path of your `IEDriverServer.exe` file.
  4. Instantiate IEDriver: Create a new instance of the `InternetExplorerDriver` class.
Setting up IEDriver

System.setProperty("", "/path/to/IEDriverServer.exe");
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Remember to replace `/path/to/IEDriverServer.exe` with the correct path.

Test Case: Automating Google Search in IE

We'll automate these steps in IE:

  1. Launch IE.
  2. Go to ``.
  3. Maximize the browser window.
  4. Type "tutorialsarena tutorials" into the search box.
  5. Click the search button.

Step 1: Creating the Test Class

Create a new Java class named `Fourth` in your Eclipse project.

Step 2: Downloading IEDriverServer

(Instructions for downloading are included in the original text but omitted here for brevity. The key is to download the correct version from the official Selenium releases page.)

Step 3: Test Script Implementation

(The Java code for this test is provided in the original text but is omitted here for brevity. The example uses `driver.navigate().to()`, `driver.manage().window().maximize()`, `sendKeys()`, and `click()` methods to automate browser actions.)

Step 4: Running the Test

Right-click on the Java code and run it as a Java application in Eclipse.


Running Selenium tests on Internet Explorer requires setting up the IEDriverServer and configuring the WebDriver correctly. This ensures that your Selenium scripts can effectively automate browser actions in IE.