Access Control Lists (ACLs): Securing Your Network Traffic
Learn how Access Control Lists (ACLs) enhance network security by filtering incoming and outgoing traffic. Understand how ACL rules work, their implicit deny function, and how they protect against network attacks.
Access Lists (ACL)
Access Lists (ACLs) are a set of rules designed to regulate network traffic and minimize potential network attacks. They filter traffic based on the specified set of rules for incoming or outgoing network traffic.
Features of Access Lists
- The defined set of rules is processed line by line, starting from the first rule and proceeding through each subsequent rule.
- Once a rule matches, no further comparisons are made, and the corresponding action (allow or deny) is applied.
- Every ACL has an implicit deny at the end, meaning that any packet that does not match any rule is discarded.
After creating an ACL, it must be applied to the interface's inbound or outbound traffic:
- Inbound access lists: When applied to inbound traffic, the ACL processes packets before forwarding them to the outbound interface.
- Outbound access lists: When applied to outbound traffic, the packets are routed first, and then the ACL is applied to the packet header.
Types of Access Lists
1. Standard Access List
Standard ACLs filter traffic based solely on the source IP address. They cannot differentiate between different types of IP traffic, such as TCP, UDP, or HTTPS. These ACLs allow or deny entire protocols based on the source IP address.
Standard ACLs use the number ranges 1-99 or 1300-1999 to identify them.
2. Extended Access List
Extended ACLs provide more granular control by considering not only the source IP address but also the destination IP, source port, and destination port. This allows for specifying which types of IP traffic to permit or block.
These ACLs use the number ranges 100-199 and 2000-2699 for identification.
Types of Access Lists (Continued)
Numbered Access Lists
In numbered access lists, once created, the rules cannot be deleted individually. If you wish to remove any rule, you must delete the entire ACL. Both standard and extended access lists can use the numbered format.
Named Access Lists
Named access lists are identified by a unique name, making it easier to manage. Unlike numbered access lists, named access lists allow for the deletion of individual rules. They can also be used with both standard and extended access lists.
Guidelines for Access List Configuration
- Standard ACLs are typically used closer to the destination, though this is not always the case.
- Extended ACLs are typically used closer to the source, though this may vary based on the specific scenario.
- Each interface can only have one inbound and one outbound ACL per protocol and direction.
- For numbered access lists, the entire ACL is deleted if you attempt to remove any rule. Named access lists allow individual rule removal.
- It's important to carefully analyze the entire situation before adding new rules, as new rules are added at the bottom of the list.
- Remember that every access list has an implicit deny at the end. It's important to include a permit statement to avoid blocking all traffic.
- Standard and extended access lists cannot share the same name.
Benefits of Access Lists
- Improves network efficiency by filtering unnecessary or unwanted traffic.
- Enhances network security by enabling administrators to customize the access list to meet specific security requirements and prevent malicious traffic.
- Provides control over traffic by allowing or denying packets based on the network's needs.