FTP Commands: A Comprehensive Guide to File Transfer Protocol

Master essential FTP (File Transfer Protocol) commands for efficient file management and transfer. This guide provides a detailed list of common commands, explaining their syntax and usage for both basic and advanced file operations. Learn how to effectively utilize FTP for network file transfers.

FTP Commands: A Comprehensive Guide to File Transfer

Introduction to FTP Commands

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used to transfer files between computers over a network. FTP commands allow you to interact with an FTP server to upload, download, and manage files. While graphical FTP clients make this easy, understanding the underlying commands is valuable for more advanced use.

Common FTP Commands

Here's a list of common FTP commands. Note that the exact syntax might vary slightly depending on the FTP client you're using.

Command Description
! Execute a command on the local operating system.
? Get help on an FTP command.
append Append data to an existing file on the server.
ascii Set the transfer mode to ASCII (text files).
binary Set the transfer mode to binary (non-text files).
bell Ring the terminal bell after a command completes.
bye Close the FTP session and exit.
cd Change the current directory on the server.
close Close the data connection to the server.
dir (or ls) List the files and directories in the current server directory.
delete Delete a file on the server.
debug Turn debugging on or off.
disconnect Close the connection to the server.
ftp Open a new FTP session.
get (or recv) Download a file from the server.
hash Turn on/off the display of a "#" character for each data block transferred.
help (or remotehelp) Display help information (local or remote).
lcd Change the current directory on the *local* system.
literal Send an arbitrary command to the server.
mdelete Delete multiple files.
mdir List the contents of multiple directories.
mget Download multiple files.
mkdir Create a new directory on the server.
mls List files in multiple directories.
mput Upload multiple files.
open Establish a connection to an FTP server.
put (or send) Upload a file to the server.
pwd Print the current working directory on the server.
quit Close the FTP session and exit.
quote Send an arbitrary command to the server.
rename Rename a file on the server.
rmdir Remove a directory on the server.
status Show the current status of the FTP session.
type Set the file transfer type (ASCII or binary).
user Specify the username for login.
verbose Turn verbose mode on or off.


FTP commands provide a powerful way to interact with FTP servers. Understanding these commands enables efficient and effective file management and transfer over a network. Remember that FTP, by itself, is not secure, and SFTP is preferred for the transfer of sensitive data.