Java Operators: Performing Operations on Variables and Values

Discover the different types of operators in Java, which are essential for performing operations on variables and values. This guide focuses on arithmetic operators, highlighting their usage and importance in Java programming to manipulate numerical data effectively.

Java Operators

Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform common mathematical operations.

Operator Name Description Example
+ Addition Adds together two values x + y
- Subtraction Subtracts one value from another x - y
* Multiplication Multiplies two values x * y
/ Division Divides one value by another x / y
% Modulus Returns the division remainder x % y
++ Increment Increases the value of a variable by 1 ++x
-- Decrement Decreases the value of a variable by 1 --x

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

Operator Example Same As
= x = 5 x = 5
+= x += 3 x = x + 3
-= x -= 3 x = x - 3
*= x *= 3 x = x * 3
/= x /= 3 x = x / 3
%= x %= 3 x = x % 3
&= x &= 3 x = x & 3
|= x |= 3 x = x | 3
^= x ^= 3 x = x ^ 3
>>= x >>= 3 x = x >> 3
<<= x <<= 3 x = x << 3

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values (or variables).

Operator Name Description Example
== Equal to Checks if two operands are equal x == y
!= Not equal Checks if two operands are not equal x != y
> Greater than Checks if the left operand is greater than the right operand x > y
< Less than Checks if the left operand is less than the right operand x < y
>= Greater than or equal to Checks if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand x >= y
<= Less than or equal to Checks if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand x <= y

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to determine the logic between variables or values.

Operator Name Description Example
&& Logical and Returns true if both statements are true x < 5 && x < 10
|| Logical or Returns true if one of the statements is true x < 5 || x < 4
! Logical not Reverse the result, returns false if the result is true !(x < 5 && x < 10)