Java Data Types Example: Calculating Total Cost of Items

Discover a practical example showcasing the use of various data types in Java to calculate and display the total cost of multiple items. This guide illustrates how to effectively utilize different data types, such as int for quantities, double for prices, and String for item names, to create a simple yet functional program. Enhance your understanding of data types in Java through this real-world application.

Java Data Types Example

Real-Life Example

Here's a real-life example demonstrating the use of different data types in Java to calculate and output the total cost of a number of items:


// Create variables of different data types
int items = 50;
float costPerItem = 9.99f;
float totalCost = items * costPerItem;
char currency = '$';

// Print variables
System.out.println("Number of items: " + items);
System.out.println("Cost per item: " + costPerItem + currency);
System.out.println("Total cost = " + totalCost + currency);

In this example:

  • items is an int storing the number of items.
  • costPerItem is a float storing the cost per item.
  • totalCost is a float storing the calculated total cost.
  • currency is a char storing the currency symbol ('$' in this case).

The System.out.println statements display these variables along with descriptive text.