C++ vs Java - Key Differences and Similarities

Explore the key differences and similarities between C++ and Java. Understand how these two programming languages compare in terms of syntax, memory management, and usage in real-world applications.

C++ vs Java

There are many differences and similarities between C++ and Java. Below are some key differences:

Comparison Index C++ Java
Platform-independent C++ is platform-dependent. Java is platform-independent.
Mainly used for C++ is mainly used for system programming. Java is mainly used for application programming, including Windows-based, web-based, enterprise, and mobile applications.
Design Goal C++ was designed for systems and applications programming as an extension of C. Java was initially designed for printing systems but later extended for network computing, aiming to be easy to use and accessible.
Goto C++ supports the goto statement. Java doesn't support the goto statement.
Multiple inheritance C++ supports multiple inheritance. Java doesn't support multiple inheritance through classes, but it can be achieved using interfaces.
Operator Overloading C++ supports operator overloading. Java doesn't support operator overloading.
Pointers C++ supports pointers. Java supports pointers internally but restricts direct usage.
Compiler and Interpreter C++ uses a compiler only. Java uses both compiler and interpreter.
Call by Value and Call by reference C++ supports both call by value and call by reference. Java supports call by value only.
Structure and Union C++ supports structures and unions. Java doesn't support structures and unions.
Thread Support C++ relies on third-party libraries for thread support. Java has built-in thread support.
Documentation comment C++ doesn't support documentation comments. Java supports documentation comments (/** ... */).
Virtual Keyword C++ supports the virtual keyword for function overriding. Java doesn't have a virtual keyword; non-static methods are virtual by default.
Unsigned right shift >>> C++ doesn't support the >>> operator. Java supports the unsigned right shift >>> operator.
Inheritance Tree C++ creates a new inheritance tree. Java uses a single inheritance tree, with Object as the root class.
Hardware C++ is closer to hardware. Java is not as close to hardware.
Object-oriented C++ is object-oriented but doesn't have a single root hierarchy. Java is fully object-oriented with a single root hierarchy derived from java.lang.Object.

Note: Java doesn't support default arguments or header files like C++. Instead, Java uses the import keyword.

C++ Program Example

File: main.cpp

using namespace std;  
int main() {  
cout << "Hello C++ Programming";  
return 0;  

Hello C++ Programming

Java Program Example

File: Simple.java

class Simple {  
public static void main(String args[]) {  
System.out.println("Hello Java");  

Hello Java