HTML5 Canvas API Reference: Methods and Properties for 2D Graphics

This comprehensive reference guide details the methods and properties of the HTML5 Canvas 2D rendering context, providing a complete resource for drawing shapes, lines, text, and images using JavaScript. Learn how to create dynamic graphics on your web pages!

HTML Canvas API Reference

This reference details the methods and properties of the HTML5 Canvas 2D rendering context, providing a comprehensive guide to drawing graphics using JavaScript.

Creating a Canvas

The <canvas> element creates a rectangular area where you draw graphics using JavaScript. You must set the `width` and `height` attributes. A border can be added with CSS.

Creating a Canvas Element

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">
  Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.

The fallback text is displayed in browsers that don't support canvas.

Getting the 2D Rendering Context

To draw on the canvas, you need a 2D rendering context object. This is obtained using the `getContext("2d")` method.

Getting the 2D Context

const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 

The ctx object now holds the tools for drawing.

Drawing Shapes and Lines

The Canvas API provides methods for drawing various shapes and lines. Here's a simple example using `fillRect()` to draw a filled rectangle:

Drawing a Filled Rectangle

ctx.fillStyle = "red"; // Set fill color
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 50); // Draw rectangle at (10,10), 100x50 pixels

Creating Paths

More complex shapes are drawn using paths. You begin a path with `beginPath()`, add points with `moveTo()` and `lineTo()`, and then render the path with `stroke()` or `fill()`.

Creating a Path

ctx.moveTo(20, 20);
ctx.lineTo(20, 100);
ctx.lineTo(70, 100);
ctx.stroke(); // Draw the lines

Canvas API Reference

(The detailed reference for drawing methods, path methods, circle and curve methods, text methods, color/style/shadow methods, transformation methods, image drawing methods, ImageData object methods, compositing properties, and other methods would be added here, each with a brief description. Due to length constraints, this section is omitted, but it should follow a similar structure to the examples above using code snippets and "Try it Yourself" links where applicable.)

Browser Support

The Canvas element and API are widely supported in modern browsers.

(Browser support table would be added here.)

For a complete tutorial on the Canvas API, visit our Canvas Tutorial.