Using the HTML `` Element to Display Calculation Results

Learn how to use the HTML `` element to effectively display calculation results and script outputs in your web forms. This tutorial explains its semantic value, demonstrates how to link it to input elements, and shows how to style it with CSS for enhanced user interaction and clear presentation of dynamic data.

Using the HTML `` Element to Display Calculation Results

Understanding the `` Element

The HTML `` element is designed to display the result of a calculation or the output of a script. It’s a semantic element, adding meaning to your HTML and improving accessibility. While the `` element itself doesn't dictate visual styling, it’s often styled with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to clearly set it apart. It's particularly useful for creating interactive web forms where the results of calculations or other operations need to be displayed dynamically to the user. It improves the usability and understandability of your webpages.

Using the `` Element

To use the `` element, place the calculated result or script output within the `` tags. The `for` attribute can be used to associate the output with one or more input elements, such as this:

Example: Basic `` Element

  <input type="number" id="num1" value="10"> +
  <input type="number" id="num2" value="5"> = 
  <output for="num1 num2" id="result">15</output>

In this example, the result is linked to the two number inputs. You will usually use Javascript to dynamically update the value of the output. The `name` attribute can be used to provide a name for the output element. The `form` attribute associates the output element with a specific form. The `` element also supports standard HTML global attributes.

Browser Support for ``

The `` element is supported by major modern browsers.

Browser Version
Chrome 10.0
Edge 13.0
Firefox 4.0
Opera 5.1
Safari 11.0

Default Styling and CSS Customization

Most browsers render the `` element as an inline element by default. You can customize its appearance using CSS, for example:

Example: Styling `` with CSS

output {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: green;