Creating Multi-Line Text Input Areas with HTML `<textarea>`: Building User-Friendly Forms

Learn how to implement multi-line text input fields in your HTML forms using the `<textarea>` element. This tutorial covers key attributes (`rows`, `cols`, `wrap`, `maxlength`, `placeholder`), styling options, and best practices for creating user-friendly and functional text input areas.

Creating Multi-Line Text Input Areas with the HTML `<textarea>` Element

Understanding the `<textarea>` Element

The HTML `<textarea>` element creates a multi-line text input control, commonly used in forms to collect user input such as comments, feedback, or longer text entries. Unlike single-line text input fields (`<input type="text">`), the `<textarea>` element allows users to enter and edit multiple lines of text. The text within a `<textarea>` is typically rendered using a monospace font, enhancing readability for code or other text-based content.

Key Attributes of the `<textarea>` Element

Several attributes control the `<textarea>` element's behavior and appearance:

Attribute Description
autofocus Gives the text area focus when the page loads.
cols Specifies the visible width in characters.
dirname Specifies the name of the directory for file uploads (when used with a file input).
disabled Disables the text area.
form Specifies the form the text area belongs to (useful when the text area is not directly nested within the form element).
maxlength Sets the maximum number of characters allowed.
name Specifies the name of the text area (used when submitting the form). This is essential for the server-side script to process the data correctly.
placeholder Displays placeholder text within the text area before a user enters any text.
readonly Makes the text area read-only (cannot be edited).
required Makes the text area mandatory (must be filled out before submission).
rows Specifies the visible number of lines.
wrap Specifies how text should wrap (hard or soft).

The `<textarea>` element also supports standard HTML global and event attributes.

Example: Basic Text Area

Example Text Area

<textarea name="review" rows="4" cols="50">
  Enter your review here...

Disabling Resizing

By default, users can often resize the text area. You can disable this using CSS.

Example: Disabling Resizing

textarea {
  resize: none;