HTML `` Element: Adding Subtitles and Captions to Audio and Video

Learn how to enhance the accessibility of your audio and video content using the HTML `` element. This tutorial explains how to add text tracks (subtitles, captions, chapters) to improve user experience and make your media more inclusive for a wider audience.

Using the HTML <track> Element for Media Tracks

What is the <track> Element?

The HTML <track> element is used to add text tracks to <audio> or <video> elements. These tracks provide additional information like subtitles, captions, or chapters. This significantly improves accessibility for users with hearing impairments or those who prefer to read along with the audio or video.



<video src="myVideo.mp4" controls>
  <track kind="subtitles" srclang="en" src="en.vtt" label="English">
  <track kind="subtitles" srclang="es" src="es.vtt" label="EspaƱol">

This embeds a video and adds subtitle tracks for English and Spanish. The .vtt files contain the subtitle data in WebVTT format.

<track> Attributes

The <track> element uses several key attributes:

Attribute Value Description
kind subtitles, captions, chapters, descriptions, metadata Specifies the type of track.
label text Provides a human-readable label for the track (e.g., "English").
src URL The URL of the WebVTT file containing the track data (required).
srclang language_code Specifies the language of the track (required if kind="subtitles").
default default Indicates that this track should be enabled by default if the browser doesn't have other preferences.

Browser Support

Support for the <track> element is good in modern browsers. Here's a compatibility table:

Browser Version
Chrome 23.0
Firefox 10.0
Internet Explorer 11
Safari 6.0
Edge 12.1