HTML `` Element: Creating Smaller Text for Disclaimers and Fine Print

Learn how to use the HTML `` element to display smaller text for disclaimers, copyright notices, or other less prominent content. This tutorial explains its purpose, demonstrates its usage, and highlights the benefits of using CSS for more precise control over text size and appearance.

Using the HTML <small> Tag

What is the <small> Element?

The HTML <small> tag defines smaller text. It's often used for disclaimers, copyright notices, or other less important text within a larger block of content. While functional, using CSS for smaller text offers more control and flexibility.



<p>This is normal text. <small>This is smaller text.</small></p>

Browser Support

The <small> element enjoys broad support across modern web browsers.

Browser Support
Chrome Yes
Firefox Yes
Internet Explorer Yes
Safari Yes
Edge Yes
Opera Yes

Styling Smaller Text with CSS

While the <small> tag provides a simple way to reduce font size, CSS offers more control over font size and appearance.



small {
  font-size: 0.8em; /* Or any other desired size */


The <small> tag supports global and event attributes common to most HTML elements.