MS Access Hour() Function

The Hour() function in MS Access extracts the hour component from a time or datetime value. This is a very useful function for working with time data and for performing time-based analysis or filtering.

Hour(): Definition and Usage

Hour() is particularly helpful when you need to focus on the hour portion of a time or datetime. You might use it to analyze events based on the hour they occurred, to create detailed time logs, or to filter data based on specific time intervals. The function returns an integer between 0 and 23, where 0 represents midnight.




Parameter Values

Parameter Description
time A time or datetime value (can be a literal like #14:48:23#, a field name, or an expression that evaluates to a time/datetime). This is required.


Extracting the Hour from a Time Value

This example extracts the hour (14) from the time 2:48:23 PM (14 in 24-hour format).


SELECT Hour(#14:48:23#);


Extracting the Current Hour

This gets the current hour from the system clock.


SELECT Hour(Now());

(The current hour, a number between 0 and 23)

Extracting the Hour from a DateTime Value

This shows how to get the hour from a specific datetime value.


SELECT Hour(#24/10/2016 11:18:34 PM#);


**Note:** The output of the second example will vary depending on the current time. The third example uses a 12-hour time format with AM/PM; the output shows the hour in 24-hour format. The date portion of the datetime value is ignored by the `Hour()` function.