MS Access LCase() Function

The LCase() function in MS Access converts a string to lowercase. This is a very useful function for data cleaning, standardization, and case-insensitive comparisons.

LCase(): Definition and Usage

LCase() is a simple yet powerful tool for converting text to lowercase. It's frequently used to ensure consistency in text data, particularly when comparing strings where the case of letters shouldn't affect whether the strings are considered equal. This function is helpful for creating consistent text formats for reporting or for performing case-insensitive searches.




Parameter Values

Parameter Description
text The string you want to convert to lowercase. This is required.

Related Function

For converting strings to uppercase, use the UCase() function.


Converting a Column to Lowercase

This example converts the 'CustomerName' column in the 'Customers' table to lowercase. (This assumes that a table named 'Customers' exists with a 'CustomerName' column.)


SELECT LCase(CustomerName) AS LowercaseCustomerName
FROM Customers;

(The lowercase versions of all customer names from the Customers table will be displayed here.)

**Note:** The example output will vary depending on the data in your `Customers` table. Each row will show the lowercase version of the `CustomerName` for that row.