SQL Server GETUTCDATE() Function

The GETUTCDATE() function in SQL Server retrieves the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time. UTC is a time standard that doesn't observe daylight saving time; it's often used to avoid ambiguity in time-related data.

GETUTCDATE(): Definition and Usage

This function is crucial for applications requiring precise timestamps that are not affected by local time zone settings. UTC is a globally consistent time standard, making it ideal for applications that involve multiple time zones or need to avoid time zone-related errors. The returned value is a datetime value formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm'.





Retrieving the Current UTC Date and Time

This query demonstrates how to obtain the current UTC date and time using GETUTCDATE().



2024-11-12 15:23:45.123 (Example output; the time will vary based on the server's UTC clock)

Technical Details

Return Type: datetime

Supported in:

  • SQL Server (starting with version 2008)
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • Parallel Data Warehouse

**Note:** The output's time will be the current UTC time on the SQL Server instance. The milliseconds (`.123`) portion might have fewer digits depending on your SQL Server configuration.