The INSERT INTO SELECT statement in SQL is a powerful way to copy data from one table to another. It's a more efficient method than inserting rows one by one, particularly when dealing with large datasets.

INSERT INTO SELECT: Definition and Usage

This statement copies data from a source table's result set (defined by a SELECT statement) into a destination table. Crucially, the data types of the source and destination columns must be compatible. Existing data in the target table is not affected; the new rows are added.



-- Copy all columns:
INSERT INTO target_table
SELECT * FROM source_table WHERE condition;

-- Copy specific columns:
INSERT INTO target_table (column1, column2, ...)
SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM source_table WHERE condition;

Example Databases

The following examples use simplified versions of the 'Customers' and 'Suppliers' tables:

Customers Table

CustomerID CustomerName ContactName Address City PostalCode Country
1 Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany
2 Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Ana Trujillo Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico
3 Antonio Moreno Taquería Antonio Moreno Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

Suppliers Table

SupplierID SupplierName ContactName Address City Postal Code Country
1 Exotic Liquid Charlotte Cooper 49 Gilbert St. London EC1 4SD UK
2 New Orleans Cajun Delights Shelley Burke P.O. Box 78934 New Orleans 70117 USA
3 Grandma Kelly's Homestead Regina Murphy 707 Oxford Rd. Ann Arbor 48104 USA


Copying Some Columns

This copies 'SupplierName', 'City', and 'Country' from 'Suppliers' to 'Customers'. Columns not explicitly mentioned in the target table will have NULL values.


INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, City, Country)
SELECT SupplierName, City, Country FROM Suppliers;

(Rows are added to the Customers table.  New CustomerIDs will be generated.  ContactName and Address will likely be NULL.)

Copying All Columns

Copying all columns from 'Suppliers' to 'Customers'.


INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country)
SELECT SupplierName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country FROM Suppliers;

(All columns from Suppliers are copied to Customers.  New CustomerIDs will be generated.)

Copying with a WHERE Clause

Copying only German suppliers.


INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, City, Country)
SELECT SupplierName, City, Country FROM Suppliers
WHERE Country = 'Germany';

(Only German suppliers are copied to the Customers table. New CustomerIDs will be generated.  Other columns will likely be NULL.)

**Note:** These examples assume that the `Customers` and `Suppliers` tables already exist and have compatible column structures. The outputs are illustrative; the precise number of rows added and the values in the new rows will depend on your data. New `CustomerID` values will be generated automatically.