MySQL MID() Function

The MID() function in MySQL extracts a portion (substring) from a string, starting at a specified position and extending for a given length. It's a fundamental tool for manipulating text data.

MID(): Definition and Usage

MID() is very useful for pulling out specific parts of strings. You provide the string, the starting position, and the desired length. The starting position is 1-based (the first character is position 1), and you can use negative numbers to count from the end of the string (-1 for the last character).

Equivalent Functions

The MID() function is equivalent to both SUBSTR() and SUBSTRING() in MySQL.



MID(string, start, length)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string The string to extract from. This is required.
start The starting position (1-based index, positive or negative). This is required.
length (Optional) The number of characters to extract. If omitted, the function extracts to the end of the string.


Extracting a Substring from a Literal

This extracts three characters starting from the fifth position ("Tut").


SELECT MID("SQL Tutorial", 5, 3) AS ExtractString;


Extracting from a Column

This extracts five characters from the `CustomerName` column, starting at position 2. (Assumes a `Customers` table exists with a `CustomerName` column.)


SELECT MID(CustomerName, 2, 5) AS ExtractString
FROM Customers;

(The five-character substring from each CustomerName, starting at position 2, will be shown here.)

Extracting from the End of a String

This extracts five characters from the end of the string.


SELECT MID("SQL Tutorial", -5, 5) AS ExtractString;


**Note:** The output of the second example will vary depending on the data in your `Customers` table. If a `CustomerName` is less than 7 characters long, the entire name will be returned.