SQL Comments

SQL comments are used to add explanatory notes to your code or to temporarily disable parts of your SQL statements. They're essential for making your code easier to understand and maintain.

Single-Line Comments

Single-line comments begin with -- and continue to the end of the line. Any text after -- on that line is ignored by the SQL interpreter.

Examples of Single-Line Comments

Explanatory Comment

-- Select all columns from the Customers table:
SELECT * FROM Customers;

(All rows and columns from the Customers table will be displayed.)
Comment at the end of a line

SELECT * FROM Customers -- WHERE City='Berlin';

(All rows and columns from the Customers table will be displayed.)
Commenting out a line

-- SELECT * FROM Customers;
SELECT * FROM Products;

(All rows and columns from the Products table will be displayed.)

Multi-Line Comments

Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */. Everything between these markers is ignored.

Examples of Multi-Line Comments

Explanatory Multi-line Comment

/*Select all the columns
of all the records
in the Customers table:*/
SELECT * FROM Customers;

(All rows and columns from the Customers table will be displayed.)
Commenting out Multiple Lines

/*SELECT * FROM Customers;
SELECT * FROM Products;
SELECT * FROM Categories;*/
SELECT * FROM Suppliers;

(All rows and columns from the Suppliers table will be displayed.)

Commenting out Part of a Line or Statement

You can use multi-line comments to selectively comment out parts of a line or statement. This is useful for debugging or temporarily disabling specific parts of your SQL code.

Commenting out part of a line

SELECT CustomerName, /*City,*/ Country FROM Customers;

CustomerName | Country
(Customer names and countries will be displayed, City will be omitted)
Commenting out part of a statement

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE (CustomerName LIKE 'L%'
OR CustomerName LIKE 'R%' /*OR CustomerName LIKE 'S%'
OR CustomerName LIKE 'T%'*/ OR CustomerName LIKE 'W%')
AND Country='USA'
ORDER BY CustomerName;

(Customers whose names start with 'L', 'W' or 'R' and are from the USA will be returned, sorted by name.)

**Note:** The example outputs assume the existence of the `Customers`, `Products`, `Orders`, `Suppliers`, and `Categories` tables with sample data. The `(...)` in the outputs indicate that the actual results will depend on the content of your tables. Remember that comments are ignored by the SQL interpreter and are solely for human readability. Microsoft Access does not support multi-line comments.