SQL AND Keyword

The AND operator in SQL combines multiple conditions within a WHERE clause. It ensures that a row is only included in the results if *all* the connected conditions are true.

AND: Definition and Usage

Think of AND as a logical "and" – it's like saying "this must be true, and that must also be true". If any of the conditions linked by AND are false, the entire condition becomes false, and that row is excluded from the query's output.



SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 AND condition2;


Selecting Customers Based on Country and City

This query retrieves all customer information only for those customers who are located in both 'Germany' and 'Berlin'.


SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Country = 'Germany' AND City = 'Berlin';

(Only Customers who live in Berlin, Germany will be returned.  If no such customers exist, the output will be empty.)

**Note:** The example output assumes a `Customers` table exists with `Country` and `City` columns. The specific rows returned depend entirely on the data within your `Customers` table. If there are no customers matching both conditions, the output will be an empty set.