Working with Files in C# Using the `FileStream` Class: Low-Level File I/O

Learn how to perform low-level file input/output (I/O) operations in C# using the `FileStream` class. This tutorial explains `FileStream`'s functionality, different file access modes, and demonstrates reading and writing bytes to files, providing a foundation for efficient file handling.

Working with Files Using C#'s `FileStream` Class

The C# `FileStream` class provides a way to interact with files at a low level, allowing you to perform both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations. It gives you direct control over file access.

Understanding `FileStream`

A `FileStream` object represents a stream of bytes associated with a file. You use it to read or write bytes directly to a file. It supports various file modes, allowing for different types of file access (reading, writing, appending, etc.).

Example 1: Writing a Single Byte

This example shows how to write a single byte to a file using `FileStream` and `FileMode.OpenOrCreate` (creates the file if it doesn't exist; otherwise opens it).

using System.IO;

// ... (code to create FileStream and write a single byte) ...

Example 2: Writing Multiple Bytes

This example writes multiple bytes to a file using a loop.

using System.IO;

// ... (code to create FileStream and write multiple bytes using a loop) ...

Example 3: Reading All Bytes from a File

This example demonstrates reading all bytes from a file using `ReadByte()` in a loop. `ReadByte()` returns -1 when it reaches the end of the file.

using System.IO;

// ... (code to create FileStream and read all bytes using a loop) ...