Understanding and Using C#'s `IsNormalized()` Method for Unicode Text

Learn how to use C#'s `IsNormalized()` method to check if a string conforms to Unicode normalization forms. This tutorial explains the importance of Unicode normalization, demonstrates the use of `IsNormalized()` with different normalization forms, and highlights its role in ensuring consistent text handling across various systems and languages.

Understanding C#'s `IsNormalized()` Method

The C# `IsNormalized()` method checks if a string is in a standard Unicode normalization form. Unicode normalization ensures consistent representation of characters, especially important when dealing with text from different sources or languages.

`IsNormalized()` Method Signatures

The `IsNormalized()` method has two versions:

  • public bool IsNormalized(): Checks if the string is normalized using the default normalization form (Form C).
  • public bool IsNormalized(NormalizationForm normalizationForm): Checks if the string is normalized using a specified normalization form (Form C, Form D, Form KC, or Form KD).


The second version of `IsNormalized()` takes one parameter:

  • normalizationForm (`NormalizationForm`): Specifies the Unicode normalization form to check against.

Return Value

Both versions return a boolean value: `true` if the string is in the specified (or default) normalization form; otherwise, `false`.


using System;
using System.Text;

public class StringExample {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        string s1 = "Hello C#";
        bool b1 = s1.IsNormalized();
        Console.WriteLine(s1); // Output: Hello C#
        Console.WriteLine(b1); // Output: True

This example checks if the string "Hello C#" is normalized using the default form (Form C). The output shows that it is normalized.