Method Overriding in C#: Implementing Runtime Polymorphism

Understand method overriding in C#, a key object-oriented programming concept. This guide explains how to override methods in derived classes, the use of the `virtual` and `override` keywords, and how method overriding enables runtime polymorphism.

Method Overriding in C#


Method overriding in C# allows a derived class (subclass) to provide a specific implementation for a method that's already defined in its base class (superclass). This is a key concept in object-oriented programming, enabling runtime polymorphism—the ability to determine which method to execute based on the object's type at runtime.

Implementing Method Overriding

To override a method, you need to use the `virtual` keyword in the base class method declaration and the `override` keyword in the derived class method declaration.

Keywords: `virtual` and `override`

  • virtual: In the base class, the virtual keyword indicates that the method can be overridden in derived classes.
  • override: In the derived class, the override keyword explicitly indicates that the method is overriding a method from the base class.

Example: Overriding the `eat()` Method

This example shows a base class `Animal` with a virtual `eat()` method and a derived class `Dog` that overrides it.

Method Overriding Example

using System;

public class Animal {
    public virtual void eat() {

public class Dog : Animal {
    public override void eat() {
        Console.WriteLine("Eating bread...");

public class TestOverriding {
    public static void Main() {
        Dog d = new Dog();; // Calls the Dog's eat() method
Example Output

Eating bread...


When `` is called, the runtime determines that `d` is a `Dog` object, and therefore, the `Dog` class's `eat()` method (the overridden version) is executed. This is runtime polymorphism in action.

Important Considerations

  • Signature Matching: The overridden method in the derived class must have the *exact same signature* (name, return type, and parameters) as the base class method.
  • Access Modifiers: The access modifier (e.g., `public`, `protected`, `private`) of the overridden method can be the same or more accessible than the base class method (e.g., you can't override a `public` method with a `private` one).
  • Virtual Methods Only: Only virtual methods can be overridden.


Method overriding is a powerful tool for extending and specializing the behavior of base classes in an object-oriented manner. It's fundamental to achieving runtime polymorphism and creating flexible, maintainable code.