Top C# Programming Examples: Illustrating Core Language Concepts

Explore a curated collection of common and essential C# programming examples, covering fundamental concepts such as number manipulation, string operations, and pattern generation. These examples are useful for both learning and interview preparation.

Top C# Programming Examples

This section presents a collection of common C# programming examples, covering various aspects of the language, including number manipulation, string processing, and pattern generation. These examples are frequently used in interviews to assess a candidate's understanding of fundamental concepts.

Number and Pattern Generation Examples

  1. Fibonacci Series: Generates a Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...). (Example input/output provided in the original text)
  2. Prime Number Check: Determines if a number is prime.
  3. Palindrome Number Check: Checks if a number is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backward).
  4. Factorial Calculation: Computes the factorial of a number.
  5. Armstrong Number Check: Checks if a number is an Armstrong number (sum of the cubes of its digits equals the number).
  6. Sum of Digits: Calculates the sum of digits in a number.
  7. Number Reversal: Reverses the digits of a number.
  8. Swapping Two Numbers (without a temporary variable): Swaps the values of two numbers without using a third variable.
  9. Decimal to Binary Conversion: Converts a decimal number to its binary representation.
  10. Alphabet Triangle: Generates a triangle pattern using alphabet characters.
  11. Number Triangle: Generates a triangle pattern using numbers.
  12. Fibonacci Triangle: Generates a triangle where each row contains Fibonacci numbers.
  13. Number to Words Conversion: Converts a number to its word representation (e.g., 123 to "one two three").