Working with C#'s `StringReader` Class for Text Processing

Learn how to use C#'s `StringReader` class to efficiently process text from strings as if they were streams. This tutorial covers its functionality, common methods, and use cases, demonstrating how to read characters and lines from string data. Improve your C# text processing skills.

Working with C#'s `StringReader` Class

The `StringReader` class in C# provides a way to read text from a string as if it were a stream. This is useful when you want to process text data from a string sequentially, similar to reading from a file. It's often used in conjunction with `StringWriter`, which writes text to a string.

Understanding `StringReader`

The `StringReader` class (part of the `System.IO` namespace) inherits from `TextReader`. It's used for reading characters from a string. It offers methods for reading individual characters or lines of text, providing a stream-like interface for string data.

`StringReader` Constructor

public StringReader(string s);

The constructor takes a string (`s`) as input. This string becomes the source for the `StringReader`.

`StringReader` Methods

Method Description
Close() Closes the reader.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the reader.
Equals(object obj) Checks for equality with another object.
Finalize() Performs final cleanup (called by the garbage collector).
GetHashCode() Returns a hash code for the reader.
GetType() Returns the type of the current instance.
Peek() Returns the next character without consuming it.
Read() Reads the next character.
ReadLine() Reads a line of text.
ReadLineAsync() Asynchronously reads a line of text.
ReadToEnd() Reads all remaining characters.
ReadToEndAsync() Asynchronously reads all remaining characters.
ToString() Returns a string representation of the reader.

Example: Using `StringWriter` and `StringReader` Together

using System;
using System.IO;

public class StringReaderExample {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        string myText = "This is a test string.";
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(writer.ToString());
        // ... (code to read and display text using reader) ...