Working with C#'s `IList` Interface: A Guide to Managing Indexed Collections

Learn how to use C#'s `IList` interface for efficient manipulation of indexed collections. This tutorial covers key methods (`Add`, `Remove`, `Insert`, `Contains`, etc.), demonstrates their usage with examples, and highlights the flexibility of `IList` in managing lists of objects.

Working with the C# `IList` Interface

Understanding the `IList` Interface

In C#, the `IList` interface represents a non-generic collection of objects that can be accessed by index (like an array). It's part of the `System.Collections` namespace and provides methods for adding, removing, inserting, and searching for elements within the list. The `IList` interface extends the `ICollection` interface, which provides fundamental collection-related functionalities.

Key Members of `IList`

The `IList` interface defines several important members:


Method Description
Add() Adds an item to the end of the list.
Clear() Removes all items from the list.
Contains() Checks if an item exists in the list.
IndexOf() Returns the index of the first occurrence of an item.
Insert() Inserts an item at a specific index.
Remove() Removes the first occurrence of an item.
RemoveAt() Removes the item at a specific index.


Property Description
IsFixedSize Indicates if the list has a fixed size (cannot be resized).
IsReadOnly Indicates if the list is read-only (cannot be modified).
Item[] (Indexer) Gets or sets the element at a specified index (e.g., `myList[2]`).

Implementing `IList`

Several classes in the .NET framework implement the `IList` interface, providing concrete implementations of its members. `ArrayList` is a common example.

Example: Using `IList` with `ArrayList`

This example shows using the `IList` interface with an `ArrayList`. It demonstrates common operations (adding, accessing, searching, removing elements).

C# Code

using System;
using System.Collections;

public class IListExample {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        IList myList = new ArrayList();
        // ... rest of the code ...


The `IList` interface in C# is a versatile tool for working with indexed collections. Understanding its methods and properties is crucial for creating efficient and flexible code that manages lists of objects.