Interacting with Unmanaged Code in C# using Marshal: Bridging Managed and Unmanaged Worlds

Learn how to use C#'s `Marshal` class to interact with unmanaged code (C++, etc.). This guide explains marshaling, provides examples of using `Marshal` methods for data exchange and function calls, and highlights best practices for interoperability between managed and unmanaged code.

Interacting withUnmanaged Code in C# using `Marshal`

Introduction to C# Marshaling

C#'s `Marshal` class is a crucial tool for bridging the gap between managed (C#, .NET) and unmanaged (C++, etc.) code. It provides methods for managing data exchange and function calls between these different environments. This interoperability is essential when you need to use existing C++ libraries or interact with operating system APIs within your C# applications.

What is Marshaling?

Marshaling is the process of converting data between managed and unmanaged code. Unmanaged code doesn't have the .NET runtime's memory management and other features; marshaling ensures data is correctly formatted and exchanged between these different environments. The `Marshal` class provides the tools to handle this data conversion effectively.

Marshaling Data with `Marshal.StructureToPtr` and `Marshal.PtrToStructure`

The `Marshal` class provides methods for moving data between managed and unmanaged memory.


Copies data from a managed structure to unmanaged memory. This is used when passing a structure as an argument to an unmanaged function.

Example C# Code

struct MyStruct {
  public int x;
  public int y;

static extern void MyFunction(IntPtr ptr);

// ... (rest of the code) ...


Copies data from unmanaged memory to a managed structure. This is used when receiving data from an unmanaged function.

Example C# Code

static extern IntPtr MyFunction();

// ... (rest of the code) ...

Allocating and Freeing Unmanaged Memory

The `Marshal` class provides methods for managing unmanaged memory.


Allocates a block of unmanaged memory.

Example C# Code

IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(1024); 
// Use the allocated memory...
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); //Remember to free the memory!


Releases unmanaged memory allocated with `Marshal.AllocHGlobal()`.

Calling Unmanaged Functions

The `DllImport` attribute allows you to call functions from unmanaged DLLs or shared libraries within your managed C# code.

Example C# Code with `DllImport`

static extern int MyUnmanagedFunction(int x);


The C# `Marshal` class is essential for interoperability between managed and unmanaged code. Understanding its methods for data marshaling, memory allocation, and function calls allows developers to leverage existing unmanaged libraries or system APIs within .NET applications. Careful attention to memory management and potential security issues is crucial when using `Marshal`.