New Features in C# Across Different Versions: A Comprehensive Overview
Explore the evolution of C# and its key features added across different versions. This guide summarizes significant additions in C# 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and later versions, including language enhancements, improved interoperability, and performance optimizations, providing valuable context for C# developers.
New Features in C# Across Different Versions
C# has evolved significantly over the years, with each new version adding powerful features and improvements. This section summarizes the key additions in various C# versions.
C# 2.0
C# 2.0 introduced several important features that enhanced code organization and functionality:
- Partial Types
- Iterators
- Nullable Types
- Delegate Covariance
- Delegate Inference
- Static Classes
- Method Group Conversions (Delegates)
C# 3.0
C# 3.0 brought significant improvements in language expressiveness and conciseness, heavily influenced by LINQ:
- Anonymous Types
- Extension Methods
- Query Expressions
- Partial Methods
- Implicitly Typed Local Variables
- Object and Collection Initializers
- Auto-Implemented Properties
- Lambda Expressions
- Expression Trees
C# 4.0
C# 4.0 focused on interoperability and improved support for dynamic languages:
- Dynamic Binding
- Named and Optional Arguments
- Generic Covariance and Contravariance
- Embedded Interop Types ("NoPIA")
C# 5.0
C# 5.0 introduced a major feature for asynchronous programming:
- Asynchronous Methods (`async`/`await`)
- Caller Info Attributes
C# 6.0
C# 6.0 added many features enhancing code readability and conciseness:
- Using Static Directive
- Exception Filters
- Await in `catch`/`finally` Blocks
- Auto Property Initializers
- Default Values for Getter-Only Properties
- Expression-Bodied Members
- Null Propagator
- String Interpolation
- Nameof Operator
- Dictionary Initializer
- Compiler-as-a-Service (Roslyn)
C# 7.0
C# 7.0 continued the trend of improving developer productivity:
- Pattern Matching
- Tuples
- Deconstruction
- Local Functions
- Digit Separator
- Binary Literals
- Ref Returns and Locals
- Expression-Bodied Constructors and Finalizers
- Expression-Bodied Getters and Setters
- Out Variables
- Generalized Async Return Types
C# 7.1
C# 7.1 introduced refinements and small but significant additions:
- Async Main
- Default Expressions