Calculating the Sum of Digits of an Integer in C#: A Simple and Efficient Algorithm
Learn how to calculate the sum of the digits of an integer in C#. This tutorial provides a clear and concise code example using a `while` loop and basic arithmetic operations, demonstrating a fundamental algorithm for digit manipulation.
Calculating the Sum of Digits in C#
This article demonstrates a simple C# program to calculate the sum of the digits of an integer entered by the user. We'll use a loop and basic mathematical operations to achieve this.
Algorithm for Summing Digits
- Get the number as input from the user.
- Find the remainder when the number is divided by 10 (this gives the last digit).
- Add the remainder to a running sum.
- Divide the number by 10 (integer division removes the last digit).
- Repeat steps 2-4 until the number becomes 0 (all digits have been processed).
C# Code Implementation
C# Code for Summing Digits
using System;
public class SumExample {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
int n, sum = 0, m;
Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
while (n > 0) {
m = n % 10;
sum = sum + m;
n = n / 10;
Console.Write("Sum is= " + sum);
Example Output
Enter a number: 23
Sum is= 5
Enter a number: 624
Sum is= 12
The code takes an integer as input. The `while` loop repeatedly extracts the last digit using the modulo operator (`%`), adds it to the sum, and then removes the last digit using integer division (`/`). The loop continues until all digits are processed.
This program provides a straightforward method for calculating the sum of digits using a basic algorithm and C#'s built-in arithmetic operators. This technique is easily adaptable to various number systems or data types.