Sorting an Object Array by a Specific Property in C#

This article demonstrates how to sort an array of objects in C# based on a particular property. This is a common task in many applications, allowing you to organize data in a meaningful way.

Methods for Sorting Object Arrays

C# provides two primary approaches to sort arrays of objects by a specific property:

  1. Using `Array.Sort()` with a custom comparer.
  2. Using LINQ queries.

`Array.Sort()` Method

The `Array.Sort()` method can sort arrays of various types. To sort objects based on a specific property, you need to provide a custom comparer that implements the `IComparer` interface.

Exception Handling

The `Array.Sort()` method can throw the following exceptions:

  • ArgumentNullException: If the array is null.
  • InvalidOperationException: If elements in the array don't implement `IComparable`.

Example: Sorting Students by Last Name

using System;
using System.Collections;

// ... (StudentDetails class and StudentComparator class) ...

public class SortObject {
    public static void Main() {
        // ... (array initialization and sorting) ...

Using LINQ Queries

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) provides a more expressive way to sort objects. The `OrderBy()` method sorts elements in ascending order, and `OrderByDescending()` sorts in descending order.

Example: Sorting Students by Last Name using LINQ

using System;
using System.Linq;

// ... (StudentsInfo class) ...

public class SortObjectOrder {
    public static void Main() {
        // ... (array initialization and sorting using OrderBy) ...

Choosing the Right Method

Both `Array.Sort()` and LINQ offer ways to sort object arrays. `Array.Sort()` with a custom comparer is generally more efficient for very large datasets, while LINQ offers a more concise and readable approach. The best choice depends on your project’s specific needs and performance requirements.