Exploring C#'s `Type.FindInterfaces()` Method: Advanced Reflection Techniques
Learn how to use C#'s `Type.FindInterfaces()` method for advanced reflection tasks. This tutorial explains how to retrieve all interfaces implemented by a type, including inherited interfaces, and demonstrates practical applications of reflection for dynamic code analysis.
Using C#'s `Type.FindInterfaces()` Method for Reflection
The C# `Type.FindInterfaces()` method is a reflection method that retrieves all interfaces implemented by a given type, including inherited interfaces. Reflection allows you to examine and work with type information at runtime. This is a powerful tool for dynamic code analysis and manipulation.
Understanding Reflection and Interfaces
Reflection in C# lets you inspect and interact with types dynamically at runtime. An interface defines a contract that a class must implement—it specifies the methods, properties, and events a class must have, without providing the implementation itself. The `Type.FindInterfaces()` method leverages reflection to discover the interfaces that a class implements, including those inherited from base classes.
`Type.FindInterfaces()` Syntax
public Type[] FindInterfaces(TypeFilter filter, object filterCriteria);
This method takes two parameters:
(`TypeFilter`): A delegate (a function that returns a boolean) that defines the criteria for selecting interfaces. It takes a `Type` object (representing an interface) and an `object` (representing additional filter criteria) as input and returns `true` if the interface should be included in the result; otherwise, `false`.filterCriteria
(object): An object that can be used by the `filter` delegate to further refine the selection.
The method returns an array of `Type` objects, each representing an interface implemented by the given type (including inherited ones). Duplicate interfaces are not returned.
Example 1: Finding a Specific Interface
// ... (MyInterfaceFilter method) ...
public class FindInterfacesExample {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
Type myType = typeof(string);
TypeFilter filter = MyInterfaceFilter;
object criteria = "System.Collections.IEnumerable";
Type[] interfaces = myType.FindInterfaces(filter, criteria);
// ... (code to print interface names) ...
// Method to filter interfaces based on their full name.
static bool MyInterfaceFilter(Type t, object criteria) {
return t.FullName == (string)criteria;
Example 2: Handling `ArgumentNullException`
try {
Type[] interfaces = myType.FindInterfaces(null, "SomeCriteria"); // null filter will throw exception
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");